I think it’s fabulous the way people become saints the minute they die. I can’t wait!
I get a kick out of the way Jack glares at Victor like they’re in first grade and Victor just knocked him down and stole his lunch money. The Abbotts have a way of totally ignoring the purpose of the funeral and making it all about Victor. Nice of them. Jack is such a jerk. Of course, Victor was thinking of himself during the funeral. LOL! Who else is there?
Adam is a swell guy. He apparently feels no qualms about using Heather for his own ends.
If there was a massive water leak, so bad that Kevin couldn’t attend Mrs. C’s funeral, why was the coffee shop open at all? Where was he getting the water to make the coffee? Doesn’t one usually turn the water OFF when there’s a leak? And what about the public restrooms? He had to wait for a certified plumber to turn the water off?
Heather didn’t think Kevin’s questions about Mrs. C’s money a bit odd? I love how Kevin puts it right in the safe. A safe I’m sure Jana never opens…oy. Why is Kevin stressing about this plumber bill anyway? Didn’t he make $10 in one week? LOL!
Murphy’s idea of getting help for his friend “Marge” is patting her on the face and saying “wake up! wake up!”? Guess he’s never heard of an “am-boo-lence"?
Sharon wishes she could ask Katherine for advice on her marriage to Jack? Since when?
Jeff thinks Dina looks “loaded”? What does he care? He’s loaded, too.
What a horrible way to wrap up a funeral: a song by that obnoxious brat Ana and Devon. UGH!! If Katherine wasn’t dead before, she’d wish she was now.
Interesting how Ash just dissed her whole family for Victor.
Tricia Cast was acting a tad too happy during the funeral. It looked really out of place.
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