Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Victor's mystery woman

I think Victor's mystery woman is none other than.....Mari Jo Mason!

Lots of folks are speculating that it's Diane Jenkins. But Diane is the mother of Jack's child and even though he's never mentioned, I'm gonna ASSume Jack talks to his child from time to time, so he'd know what the boy's mother looks/sounds like.

Mari Jo was last seen in a mental institution and this mystery woman said she didn't look so good anymore, so I'm going to again ASSume Victor will change her looks somehow. This would be a real kick in the teeth to Ashley since MJ killed her husband Blade. Yes, an even bigger kick in the teeth than finding out Victor is the reason her family lost control of Jabot again.

People are also speculating that it's a 'new' love interest. If that's the case, why did Victor make it a point to say, "Jack is still in town..." indicating that she knows Jack already?

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