I can't believe Nick had the unmitigated audacity to tell Phyllis that Restless Style is "their dream". And to tell her further NOT to sell. Um, hello, Nick? Who jumped ship to work for Daddy dearest the first chance he got? YOU, jackass. Methinks Nick is probably worried Phyllis will end up working with him again at Newman. How would he possibly flirt with his ex with his wife hanging around? What a drag!
Ryder is so damn stupid hanging with Deacon. He's stuck in jail while Deacon is living the good life. Yeah, smart choice there. If his mommy was so powerful, wouldn't she have him out of jail? And more to the point, why would she let Deacon land him IN jail? And Lauren feels something isn't right about Ryder? I'm telling you that brat is Shelia's son.
All this time and no one has bothered to tell Lily that Tyra and Devon rumbaed in the sheets and she left town?
What in the WORLD does self-absorbed Billy know about running a magazine? That's the great thing about soaps, you don't have to have any knowledge or education to snag a high paying job or to start your own business. Even funnier than Billy running it is Chloe's recommendation based solely on the fact that he got them some idiotic quote!
Daniel asked Amber to marry him? Geez that kid needs someone to show him some kindness and shoot him before it's too late.
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