Thursday, December 17, 2009

out with the "old" in with the new

Yay, I'm all for a switch. Here's why I don't like him: he doesn't have the commanding presence of a big figure like Victor or Alan Spaulding. He's too meekish. I don't like him although I will admit, he seems to have good chemistry with Jess Walton.


Y&R Shocker: Stephen Nichols Replaces William Russ
by Michael Logan December 16, 2009 10:08 PM EST

That was fast. Actor William Russ, who hit The Young and the Restless December 2 as the Donald Trump-esque jillionaire Tucker McCall, has been ousted from the role and replaced by Days of Our Lives great Stephen Nichols (Patch). Nichols was due to begin taping December 17 and will appear on air January 27. The Y&R execs have kept their statements brief. Co-exec producer/head writer Maria Arena Bell says: “William Russ is a talented actor and we enjoyed working with him. However, we decided to take the character in another direction.” Adds co-exec producer Paul Rauch: “[Russ] did a wonderful job while he was here.”

Why the switch? Here’s my thought: Russ, known for his recurring roles on Boston Legal and The Ex List, has been giving a performance that seems strong enough, but it may be that the soap needed more superstar luster because Tucker will eventually be revealed to have a shocking (and we do mean shocking!) connection to a major (and we do mean major!) denizen of Genoa City. Check back here soon for an exclusive interview with Nichols.

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