Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nick Newman is an idiot

I love how Nick (and Nicki) seem totally clueless to Phyllis' plight. He doesn't care in the least that dear old Dad caused his daughter's physical problems. Both Nick and Nicki totally glossed over that fact and are making it seem like it's all Phyllis' problem.

I do love how Victor demoted his ass, though, and Nick totally deserved it. He is forever kissing Daddy's ass going to work for him, then Victor treats him like shit in his usual manner, and Nick gets all self-righteous and quits. Daddy snaps his fingers and guess who blows off his wife once again to please Daddy?

Nick deserves all the crap that gets thrown at him. He needs to man up and put his FAMILY first for once, instead of continually selling them out the way he is now.

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