One of the things that annoys me about Eric Braeden’s acting is when he walks around with his hands in his pockets. The whole Bobby Marsino/Nikki kidnapping storyline instantly comes to mind. He was forever walking around the ranch with his damn hands in his pockets. I think at one point when he delivered a roundhouse kick to the thug’s stomach, his hands were still in his pockets. l think the thing that MOST annoys me, though, is Victor’s arrogance and hatred of women. Yes, hatred. Yes, women. He wines them, dines them, hires them to be his museum curator, but when push comes to shove and they try to make something of themselves, he is constantly belittling them. He’s an emotionally abusive man. When Nick wanted to run the coffee house, he told him he’d be a failure. When Nick wanted to start the mag, Vitor told him he’d be a failure. Anytime Nikki wants to do ANYTHING, Victor is first in line to tell her she’ll tank. And not just once. He’ll tell her over and over, then he’ll go out of his way to make it happen so he can say “I told you so.” It’s despicable for a father to tell his son he’s going to fail, then go behind his back and persuade the advertisers not to advertise in the magazine. If Nick (or Nikki) are going to fail, then be honest about it and let them fail on their own.
What’s the deal with Alistair and his part time accent? First he was speaking with --I believe--a Scottish accent. Then he told Jack & Sharon he didn’t speak with an accent at all, that he was faking it and he sounded like John. Now he’s using a mild variation of the Scottish accent and suddenly will talk without one at all. USE IT OR LOSE IT, ALISTAIR!!
Amelia Heinle does NOT look good as a blonde. I often wonder if this is the actress’ personal choice or if TPTB are trying to “blonde up” all the women on the show. I never liked Heather Tom as a blonde, then I got used to it. Now I don’t like her as a brunette, but Amelia looks much better as a brunette because right now she’s in ‘hair coloring purgatory,’ meaning she’s not a brunette, but she’s not blonde either.
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