Thursday, September 11, 2008

thursday's rant

How Zappoto lost his groove...
Why he hung around with TGVN, of course. His “poor poor pitiful me” routine is depressing even the dog. What’s with the sketch of Sabrina Victor is staring at? Doesn’t the man have any photos of their time together? To me they seemed like one of those couples who would have their portraits taken in cutesy poses every week, don't you think? Pics of them in identical outfits, identical colors, on the stairs, outside by a tree, with the dog...blah blah, endless poses. And yet, not one picture of Sabrina is sitting on the piano for Victor to pick up and gaze at longingly like Nikki used to do every week with the kids when her "job" used to be walking around the living room wringing her hands. Not even a damn video of Vic & Sabrina's happy times edited together with their favorite love song.

Why does Nikki think Victor is going to answer her phone calls when he won’t even allow her on the property? What part of "leave me alone" doesn't she get?

What’s with Phyllis saying she has a “HUGE stake” in Restless Style? Forgive me if I’m wrong, but Nick shelled out the $ for their half of the investment to begin with, and his daddy covered the loan for Jack’s share this week. So what IS her contribution? Other than being the best (and apparently the only) web master in the Free World? We know this because she reminds us ever so frequently.

Why would the Mexican authorities contact the Genoa City DA’s office? No one knows about Victor’s connection to Walter in Mexico and as far as everyone knows, he drowned during a storm. Even so, Victor has nothing to worry about as far as Heather is concerned. We’ve all seen her case solving “skills”. Gotta laugh though at how the show’s producers aren’t missing the opportunity to show her in her underwear every chance they can. Good thing. Lord knows she has no "assets" when it comes to beings an assistant DA.

Congrats to Nikki on once again magically curing her addiction. First it was the pill addiction she magically cured during a cruise. Now it’s the alcoholism. Even though she drank herself under the table in Mexico, she hasn’t touched a drink since. It must be the power of her love for Victor that’s “curing” her. If I strain really hard, I can hear the sound of tiny violins...

Colleen thinks Daniel wants a “girl who won’t cheat on him the minute his back is turned.” Hmm, guess that leaves her out then. Didn’t she sleep with da Professor while dating JT?

Did Gloria really think getting her hands on some stock would be as simple as telling Katherine she had some lame ass dream in which John told her to ask for some of his shares of Jabot as a gift? Does she think Katherine’s that gullible? “What a wonderful way to honor your friend.“ And how much stock is out there? Jack sold his, Katherine has 51% and Glo and Jeff have been busy “buying up shares” for weeks now. Wouldn’t the Abbott family own the largest portion of the other 49%? As well as Jill? Sounds like another case of the writers thinking the viewers are stupid. BTW, I've been reading that Ashley comes back for good. Wouldn't surprise me. They're not using her at all now on B&B.

HOW LONG is that big baby Jack going to keep boo hoo'ing about losing Jabot? FUCKING get over it already. If he tears up about it one more time, I’m gonna puke.

Kevin still has an IT job with Jabot?! We know this because he’s there all the times. Seriously, I can't remember the last time he set foot in their offices, but I'm sure he was committing a crime at the time.

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