Esther slept with Roger ON THE FIRST DATE?! Geez, did that twit learn nothing from her experience with "Tiny" when he left her knocked up, and Norman, who killed Rex? Apparently she's a push over in more ways than one.
The Ana storyline isn't making sense to me. Just one call from Yolanda, who has since disappeared and she's taken from Tyra's care. Why hasn't she been returned to Tyra since Yolanda no longer wants her? They haven't even had any sort of a hearing, Karen is pushing to adopt her, and now Rafe says it should be no big deal to adopt her because Yolanda abandoned her. From what I've read, the courts usually discourage foster parents from adopting, but Rafe is saying it's "just a matter of paperwork"? Tyra should be given first chance at adopting Ana.
BTW, I think Karen's being downright creepy about the whole adoption thing. Tyra is her mother. Period.
Abby's million dollar horse is much better than her first horse, StarFire? Geez, so much for her loyalty to pets. I guess they only rate if they have an expensive price tag attached to them. And I'm sure her friends are all agog listening to her ramble on and on about her horse. Awww, she's been raised so well.
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