Wednesday, June 18, 2008

the young and the ehhhh....

Victor to Neil: “You still obviously miss Dru.” Yes, imagine that. A year after the man’s wife died, he’s still missing her.

From the “bad acting” file: Victoria looked totally baffled as to how she could hold a baby in one arm and a cup of coffee in the other today. Ya put the baby in the stroller at your side and pick up the coffee. Whoa. That was difficult.

The overly romantic gestures on Victor’s part are sooo incredibly cloying. What guy acts that way? Especially considering how completely he ignores “the little woman” once she becomes his wife. Gawd, I can’t wait for him to act like she’s a gigantic idiot after she’s offered her opinion on something. You know, like he does with everyone in his life. But how much more fun it would be if she was totally playing him and scammed his out of millions. I hate that Eric Braden always has to come out of his storylines smelling like a rose. NOBODY wins all the time. Not even Victor Newman. It makes his character a joke.

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