This whole Victor/manhunt storyline gets dumber every day. What crime has he been charged with? Leading his own life?
Y&R writers, get on the damn stick already. Give us a REASON for this extensive manhunt, instead of them wanting to question Victor about Palin's death.
They didn't prove through autopsy that he was killed by any means other than drowning, so how in the world are they going to prove Victor killed him? Heather hasn't won a single case yet. No wonder the Newmans are all snickering at her efforts.
Personally I say, 'let him STAY lost!' I'm loving the fact that Braeden isn't mucking up my tv screen anymore.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
this totally bugs me, too
What show was Phyllis on yesterday?
About their daughter blabbing to Heather, today she said to Nick, "...hearing her go on and on about the bugs that Mommy and Daddy found in front of the DA."
All the kid said was, "The bug scared me." Puhleeze. Heather isn't smart enough to figure out she's talking about a listening device and not a real bug.
About their daughter blabbing to Heather, today she said to Nick, "...hearing her go on and on about the bugs that Mommy and Daddy found in front of the DA."
All the kid said was, "The bug scared me." Puhleeze. Heather isn't smart enough to figure out she's talking about a listening device and not a real bug.
the young and the restless
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A.D.A. my A.S.S.
Heather really is a force to be reckoned with in the DA's office, isn't she? Couldn't solve JiMin's case, couldn't figure out Amber kept the real money and burned up fake, couldn't make the charges against Phyllis stick, and now that she's back anew, the case against Brad has been dropped since both Walter and David are dead. Conveniently, Brad faces no charges. Usually when someone dies, the charges start piling up, not the other way around.
But, of course, Heather does give him and Jill a good talking to!
BTW, with all the jet setting Nikki and Nick are doing lately, who the hell is putting together the latest issue of RS, which seems to squeak in past the deadline at the last minute every month as it is?
But, of course, Heather does give him and Jill a good talking to!
BTW, with all the jet setting Nikki and Nick are doing lately, who the hell is putting together the latest issue of RS, which seems to squeak in past the deadline at the last minute every month as it is?
david chow,
the young and the restless,
liar liar pants on fire
Why is Sharon suddenly going off on Jack? What happened to that cutesy little speech she gave him when they were working at Restless Style? The one that went something like, "I know you won't stop lying, so I'll pretend I don't notice when you do"? Please. She knew he was a liar when she married him. Jack is just being Jack so why is Sharon acting like this is the first time she's seen this sort of deceptive behavior?
Monday, October 27, 2008
note to the writers
I sat through a lot of shit with this soap, including that stupid Clear Springs storyline--notice how NO ONE mentions it anymore?--- but I'm NOT sitting through this bullshit. I'm so sick of hearing how nobody loves or mourns or seeks vengeance like Victor Newman. Shouldn't he just be praying to himself?
The FF button is my FRIEND.
I sat through a lot of shit with this soap, including that stupid Clear Springs storyline--notice how NO ONE mentions it anymore?--- but I'm NOT sitting through this bullshit. I'm so sick of hearing how nobody loves or mourns or seeks vengeance like Victor Newman. Shouldn't he just be praying to himself?
The FF button is my FRIEND.
Friday, October 24, 2008
this really bugs me
I think the Newmans need to remind us one more time that their conversations are being bugged. As IF the super sensitive bugging devices wouldn't be able to pick that up....
Thursday, October 23, 2008
the eyes have it
If Cane doesn’t trust Billy, why did he give him a job?
I don’t know the name of the actress who plays a young Gloria, but damn they did a good job hiring her. She looks like Judith…right down to the big eyes. I’m rather surprised they didn’t just slap a wig on Judith Chapman and try to pass her off as an 18 y.o. the way they usually do…LOL!
I don’t know the name of the actress who plays a young Gloria, but damn they did a good job hiring her. She looks like Judith…right down to the big eyes. I’m rather surprised they didn’t just slap a wig on Judith Chapman and try to pass her off as an 18 y.o. the way they usually do…LOL!
judith chapman,
the young and the restless
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
east of eden
Did I hear incorrectly today because I thought Lauren mentioned that it looked like Eden had the information on the trip to France 'for a while'.
She's only been IN school for a week at best, so how long could she have had that information? I hate to see another slick teenager on this show who treats the adults like idiots, constantly conning them into getting their way, the way Eden is doing.
She's only been IN school for a week at best, so how long could she have had that information? I hate to see another slick teenager on this show who treats the adults like idiots, constantly conning them into getting their way, the way Eden is doing.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
wish she would fall out....of the cast
Glad to see FallOutGirl is getting back into the dating scene via the internet. I mean it worked out so well for her the first time. Remember that controlling, murderous Kevin she hooked up with?
Of course, what am I thinking? Lily is FRIENDS with him now. Nobody she hooks up with can be much worse, eh? And if they are, wait a week, and she'll be drinking coffee in his cafe and using her money to supplement his income.
BTW, how is Lily earning her money these days?
Of course, what am I thinking? Lily is FRIENDS with him now. Nobody she hooks up with can be much worse, eh? And if they are, wait a week, and she'll be drinking coffee in his cafe and using her money to supplement his income.
BTW, how is Lily earning her money these days?
get back on that damn train!!!!
Ana to her mother: "But everybody's happy to see us!"
WRONG. This viewer isn't the least bit happy to see you on my screen again, gurl.
I can't help but think that whole thing was set up. It felt like it. How did Ana know her mother would be at Indigo? And yet not a minute or two after Tyra shows up, Ana is there.
WRONG. This viewer isn't the least bit happy to see you on my screen again, gurl.
I can't help but think that whole thing was set up. It felt like it. How did Ana know her mother would be at Indigo? And yet not a minute or two after Tyra shows up, Ana is there.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
dr drew, you suck at giving advice
I hate this stupid Loveline storyline. Stop pandering to the younger generation and start writing INTERESTING storylines, writers!!
Why would anyone with half a brain in their head call a show where they get ridiculed on air?
They make Amber out to be a sex starved IDIOT and yet she continues to call "for advice". She doesn't want advice. She just wants someone to tell her that her and Daniel belong together. Maybe Amber thinks that if she keeps calling, she'll find someone stupid enough to agree with her.
Ya blew it, Blondie--in more ways than one. Move on!
Why would anyone with half a brain in their head call a show where they get ridiculed on air?
They make Amber out to be a sex starved IDIOT and yet she continues to call "for advice". She doesn't want advice. She just wants someone to tell her that her and Daniel belong together. Maybe Amber thinks that if she keeps calling, she'll find someone stupid enough to agree with her.
Ya blew it, Blondie--in more ways than one. Move on!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Clever of Jack to make it look like all trails in this bogus article scam lead back to Junior. First he uses his cell phone to make the call to Frank Ellis, then he leaves Junior meet him and make the deal with him.
Junior has no idea who he's fooling with.
Oh, and Nicki? That stupid do went out in the 50's. I can't help but wonder what she's hiding in there? Her keys? Her cell phone? Her dignity?
I think MTS needs to darken her hair a tad. She's too old to carry off that blonde, blonde hair and it actually looks dry and damaged. She needs a warmer blonde color similar to Katherine's.
Junior has no idea who he's fooling with.
Oh, and Nicki? That stupid do went out in the 50's. I can't help but wonder what she's hiding in there? Her keys? Her cell phone? Her dignity?
I think MTS needs to darken her hair a tad. She's too old to carry off that blonde, blonde hair and it actually looks dry and damaged. She needs a warmer blonde color similar to Katherine's.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
oh for crying out loud
How can Mizz Dipshit Asst DA Heather charge Nikki with “accessory to murder after the fact” when they haven’t even established that Walter WAS murdered? From the very beginning, she has tried to make something out of nothing simply because Victor returned home upset. Gee, could it be because he lost his wife and unborn child? Of course not! He must have been up to something illegal!
The writers struck out with this storyline.
The writers struck out with this storyline.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
ENOUGH teenage rebellion already
Michael's sister is a real joy to watch isn't she? The thought of having to put up with her petty bullshit teenage drama---and you just KNOW she's FULL OF IT--makes me ill. We had that with Cassie, Lily, Colleen, Daniel, and now Noah.
The fact that surly Eden was all, "nobody likes me," and then the very first day she's approached by 'cool kids'? Don't think so. I'm surprised she wasn't approached by the school druggies or the alcoholics. They could all be depressed and miserable together. Weeeeee!
The fact that surly Eden was all, "nobody likes me," and then the very first day she's approached by 'cool kids'? Don't think so. I'm surprised she wasn't approached by the school druggies or the alcoholics. They could all be depressed and miserable together. Weeeeee!
michael baldwin,
the young and the restless
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Let me get this straight: Kevin hotwires Katherine's car and neither the police nor Katherine NOTICE that it's been hotwired?! Wouldn't the car alarm have sounded the minute Kevin tried to break into it? I find it hard to believe she had a tracking device but not an alarm.
And aren't we repeating the "taking advantage of someone who isn't right mentally?" storyline?
Wasn't it sweet to see Gloria encouraging her once again, commit a crime?!
The sloppy details are what annoy me most about this batch of writers.
And aren't we repeating the "taking advantage of someone who isn't right mentally?" storyline?
Wasn't it sweet to see Gloria encouraging her once again, commit a crime?!
The sloppy details are what annoy me most about this batch of writers.
kevin fisher,
the young and the restless
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
pimp thy name is Amber
What gives with Amber trying to pimp her damn designs on every celeb who walks into the office? It's an embarrassment to the magazine.
The whole concept of her putting ads in RS to begin with was ridiculous. What was supposed to happen? She'd be taking orders and having a backroom full of school age kids sewing them up? Obviously the idea was ill-conceived in the first place. The writers need to let this stupidity GO and save it for when she's leaving the show and suddenly becomes hella famous.
The whole concept of her putting ads in RS to begin with was ridiculous. What was supposed to happen? She'd be taking orders and having a backroom full of school age kids sewing them up? Obviously the idea was ill-conceived in the first place. The writers need to let this stupidity GO and save it for when she's leaving the show and suddenly becomes hella famous.
restless style,
the young and the restless
fresh face pt 2
What's the deal with Lily suddenly boo hoo'ing about Colleen taking Daniel, as well as her job? As IF she gives a rat's ass about him anymore.
I think she's jealous Cane has replaced her so quickly after making such a fuss over the fact that Lily "was" the "fresh face" of the campaign. Guess she's never heard of a snow job in the name of business.
All I have to say is, "Suck it up, Buttercup. You were only too happy to kick Daniel to the curb and it was your choice to ditch the job. Why not enjoy the fact that your best friend has a chance to shine in the spotlight? Or are you only happy when YOU'RE in the spotlight?"
I think she's jealous Cane has replaced her so quickly after making such a fuss over the fact that Lily "was" the "fresh face" of the campaign. Guess she's never heard of a snow job in the name of business.
All I have to say is, "Suck it up, Buttercup. You were only too happy to kick Daniel to the curb and it was your choice to ditch the job. Why not enjoy the fact that your best friend has a chance to shine in the spotlight? Or are you only happy when YOU'RE in the spotlight?"
fresh faces,
lily winters,
the young and the restless
"fresh" face?
Is there such a shortage of good looking young women in the world that Cane has to go around asking people in his friend pool if they want to be the "Fresh Face" of Jabot? What about the "runners up" that were in the Fresh Faces contest with Lily? You know, the ones that were never seen again. Don't they deserve a chance before anyone else?
And why is Cane offering the job to Colleen when she's a member of the Abbott family and family was excluded from the original contest? Remember Amber's ruse because she was family?
And why is Cane offering the job to Colleen when she's a member of the Abbott family and family was excluded from the original contest? Remember Amber's ruse because she was family?
fresh faces,
lily winters,
the young and the restless
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