Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"and it will change the face of Y&R forever!"

The latest Eric Braeden news is making the internet rounds. How he might quit the show, how he's been written out, how he gave this moving speech to the cast telling them he might never be back and he cried.

What a fucking joke.

I find it ironic that the one time he utilizes his acting skills in several years is when he's using it to play hardball with the show execs to prove his financial worthiness.

The article clearly states at the end that he is "in talks with the show". Would he be in talks if he had no intention of returning?

There's no freaking way he's going to lose ALL of his income when he admits that he's willing to take the pay cut at the end of his contract. It has been reported--and I don't know how true it is--that he makes a million dollars a year. Lord knows his "acting" sure as hell isn't worth a cool mill. IF you call walking around with your hands in your pockets while you mumble your lines "acting".

But how clever of him to take it one step further than the others who have been "written out of the show" only to return weeks later after their contracts have been settled, by giving a "good-bye" speech. OY. What a drama queen.

Getting the impression I don't like him? I don't and here's why: Victor Newman has to win every damn time there's a confrontation between him and Jack Abbott. How boring and predictable. It's the same story line used over and over and over.

More importantly, in my opinion, Braeden has been phoning in his "acting" for several years now. Even when he's breaking down doors or muttering about his love for Nicki, he's got his damn hands in his damn pockets as if he just doesn't give a damn. His whole expression screams, "Give me my paycheck and get me out of here."

Frankly, I wish they would.

Monday, September 21, 2009


When Abby leaned over a critically injured Victor and said, "I love you, Daddy," I have expected her to add, "and I love all the stuff you buy me, especially my million dollar horse! ByyyyyE!" Why is Abby's acting ability suddenly D.O.A.? When she first came on the show, she was really good. When she told Jack off the other day, she was really bad. Seriously. Bad. Everything was ranted in a rather monotone, whiny voice, instead of with emotion.

I thought the female doctor on today's (Monday) show was excellent, although I can't believe they didn't bring Olivia back for that scene. I was beginning to think she was the only doctor on staff.

Interesting how neither Nick nor Victoria shed any tears today. Paul's scenes, on the other hand, were much better than they had been. None of that weird ass finger pointing and no melt down scenes in which he ended up looking like Munch's model for The Scream.

i haven't seen this much sucking since Clear Springs

Y&R has totally ruined this Colleen/Victor storyline.

As if the gag hanging out of Colleen's mouth wasn't bad enough--I mean, come on, the girl had to bite down on her own gag to keep it from falling out of her mouth. They had her drown like her father in the same damn lake. Are the writers unable to come up with any (close to) death scenario OTHER than drowning or almost drowing on this show?

They didn't bother to show HOW she ended up in the water or HOW Jack got her out of the water, and to add insult to injury, today they didn't let us hear what was said when Chance told Traci and Steve about Colleen.

BULLSHIT! I hated that stupid technique when they used it on GL this week when they were telling family that Alan was dead, and now Y&R is doing it.

It may sound ghoulish, but those scenes are some of soaps best, so KNOCK IT OFF LAZY Y&R WRITERS!!!

I can't even believe JT said Jack "kept up CPR until the ambulance got there." Really? We must be watching two different shows because after a few seconds of lame ass CPR, Jack stopped to argue with Patti. While she was stopping him from getting help, she certainly didn't stop him from performing CPR. He did that on his own.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

you got that?!

I'm sooooo tired of Victor referring to Jack by his full name when he's speaking to him. Just once, I wish Jack would call him "Victor Newman" during their entire conversation. That is such a freaking annoying habit, calling people by their full name. ALMOST as annoying as the pregnant chicks on this show, rubbing their belly like they expect a genie to come out.

Jack was such a HUGE PUSSY during those scenes with Patti on Friday. There's his so-called 'beloved' niece dying in front of him and he spends almost an hour arguing with a psycho. Sure, he's all, "Go ahead and shoot me," but the minute Patti raises the gun to do just that, he wussied out and hung up the phone. Baby! A little gunshot wound never killed anyone.

Friday, September 18, 2009

we interrupt this regularly scheduled Y&R post to say

....a few things about the Guiding Light finale.

I think I gained five pounds watching all the syrupy, sugary sweetness of the last week. Granted, Alan dying was a good twist, but all the engagements, babies and weddings were a TAD over the top. And when I say "a tad," I mean it was crazy insane. It was nice to see a lot of the old actors and actresses from the show, though.

I was thrilled Josh and Reva reunited, but what was the point of allowing Jeffrey to live? He never came back. He chose Edmund over his own family. What stupidity. I kept expecting him to walk up and surprise the hell out of Reva. Never did. They should have killed him off and let the whole Edmund thing go when they knew the show was going to end.

Friday, September 11, 2009

thoughts on this week's shows

Every time something goes down between Sharon and Nick, she always tries to get him to keep it between the two of them, thus putting his relationship with Phyllis in peril. And the idiot usually falls for it.
Speaking of Sharon, wish I had a quarter for every time she said, "I know I wasn't going to say anything..." but did anyway.

I couldn't help but laugh when Lily whined, "I'm whining, which I hate." And yet, she does it so well. And what was that bullshit about her wanting to go to work? WHERE does she even work? She's the only model I've ever seen--besides Colleen--who doesn't even bother to model.

Paul REALLY has to stop trying to convey his emotions by pointing his finger and collapsing into tears. He looked like he was having a meltdown in his scenes with Patty in her hotel room. Speaking of which, how the HELL are these broke ass people paying for things? Patty has a room in the most exclusive club in town and no income; Jill has no income and hasn't shown the slightest amount of financial distress; Glo and Jeff have been living in that condo for months. When DOES the rent come due?

Speaking of the dreaded duo, what the hell were Glo and Jeff thinking kidnapping Patty? Guess they've never heard of "obstructing justice"?

Why is Ashley suddenly flatter than she was weeks ago? She's supposed to be as pregnant as Sharon and yet she's fairly flat and no one has noticed?

I thought it was funny when Colleen went to visit Lily the other day. She slathered her hands with sanitizer then wiped them on her pants. VERY sanitary. I thought it was great when she called flashing her tits in public "blowing off steam". We should all blow off some steam.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

reading is fundamental

Did anybody else find it funny when Kevin started talking about the key to the safety deposit box? He said that he found it in a box of Tom's stuff that he had, but he never opened the safety deposit box because he didn't want any of Tom's stuff.

Which writer phoned that line in?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ryder's on the storm

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Lord, do NOT let Ryder's mother be SHELIA CARTER. Today when Lauren said she'd "seen that look in his eye before" I wanted to barf.

I recall Tom and Shelia working together the last time she came to town and of course, the ages would be all wrong, but that never matters on the soaps.

I hope I'm wrong.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday's thoughts

I wanted to give Victor a roundhouse kick to the head today when he told Phyllis not to worry her "pretty little head" about MJ and the problems she's caused. What a chauvinistic moron. And I just love the way he lies about having anything to do with MJ. Although he never came right out and said it, he continued to dance all around the truth with Phyllis.

I HATE IT when Nick makes Sharon out to be a saint. And why would they lock him IN the mental institution if they were worried about a patient being on the loose? Wouldn't they allow the family to leave first? What if the patient were hiding somewhere in the building and caused trouble on the inside? Made no sense. If you were visiting a prison and there was lockdown they sure as hell wouldn't lock you on the INside.

I now officially add "santuary" to the growing list of words I NEVER want to hear on Y&R again.