Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday's thoughts

I wanted to give Victor a roundhouse kick to the head today when he told Phyllis not to worry her "pretty little head" about MJ and the problems she's caused. What a chauvinistic moron. And I just love the way he lies about having anything to do with MJ. Although he never came right out and said it, he continued to dance all around the truth with Phyllis.

I HATE IT when Nick makes Sharon out to be a saint. And why would they lock him IN the mental institution if they were worried about a patient being on the loose? Wouldn't they allow the family to leave first? What if the patient were hiding somewhere in the building and caused trouble on the inside? Made no sense. If you were visiting a prison and there was lockdown they sure as hell wouldn't lock you on the INside.

I now officially add "santuary" to the growing list of words I NEVER want to hear on Y&R again.

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