Friday, September 18, 2009

we interrupt this regularly scheduled Y&R post to say

....a few things about the Guiding Light finale.

I think I gained five pounds watching all the syrupy, sugary sweetness of the last week. Granted, Alan dying was a good twist, but all the engagements, babies and weddings were a TAD over the top. And when I say "a tad," I mean it was crazy insane. It was nice to see a lot of the old actors and actresses from the show, though.

I was thrilled Josh and Reva reunited, but what was the point of allowing Jeffrey to live? He never came back. He chose Edmund over his own family. What stupidity. I kept expecting him to walk up and surprise the hell out of Reva. Never did. They should have killed him off and let the whole Edmund thing go when they knew the show was going to end.

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