Monday, September 21, 2009

i haven't seen this much sucking since Clear Springs

Y&R has totally ruined this Colleen/Victor storyline.

As if the gag hanging out of Colleen's mouth wasn't bad enough--I mean, come on, the girl had to bite down on her own gag to keep it from falling out of her mouth. They had her drown like her father in the same damn lake. Are the writers unable to come up with any (close to) death scenario OTHER than drowning or almost drowing on this show?

They didn't bother to show HOW she ended up in the water or HOW Jack got her out of the water, and to add insult to injury, today they didn't let us hear what was said when Chance told Traci and Steve about Colleen.

BULLSHIT! I hated that stupid technique when they used it on GL this week when they were telling family that Alan was dead, and now Y&R is doing it.

It may sound ghoulish, but those scenes are some of soaps best, so KNOCK IT OFF LAZY Y&R WRITERS!!!

I can't even believe JT said Jack "kept up CPR until the ambulance got there." Really? We must be watching two different shows because after a few seconds of lame ass CPR, Jack stopped to argue with Patti. While she was stopping him from getting help, she certainly didn't stop him from performing CPR. He did that on his own.

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