When is Daniel going to wake up and smell the coffee? It's so obvious that Amber is still in love with Cane. As much as she mentions him, you'd think Daniel would get a clue that she's doing her best to turn him into her ex.
What's with the ADULTS at Restless Style not stepping up and telling Daniel and Amber to stop acting like kids at the magazine offices? They need to take their personal problems ELSEWHERE.
I hope Amber isn't wearing her own clothes to work. That hideous leopard print piece she was half-wearing today was ridiculous. The dress she wore to the opening was also ghastly.
I hope Victoria quits Newman and goes to work for the magazine. It's clear that Victor is punishing Victoria for her reaction to his relationship with Sabrina. She needs to cut her ties with Daddy (Not So) Dearest and start her own life.
And I STILL get the feeling TGVN Jr. is going to oust Daddy from his own company. Couldn't happen to a nicer jerk.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
spiritually speaking
I LMAO today when Nikki gave Victoria the Bible and she talked about how her mother used to read to her. Yeah, right. They strike me as a really religious family. The only time church or God is mentioned on this show is at Christmas or when someone dies/gets married. BTW, since when do they hold Baptisms in someone's HOME?!
I know I read that they are NOT using Amelia and Thad's real life baby on the show, but doggone if the baby they used today didn't look EXACTLY like Thad.
I know I read that they are NOT using Amelia and Thad's real life baby on the show, but doggone if the baby they used today didn't look EXACTLY like Thad.
what a masochist
Nick Newman has to be the DUMBEST man on the planet to work with his wife AND his ex-wife.
If they are going to work together, Phyllis needs to stop making every decision seem like a contest between her and Sharon. And she needs to stop acting like Nick doesn't love her as much if he sides with Sharon.
Why are they all making the same decisions about the same thing? Why isn't Phyllis in charge of one aspect of the magazine and Sharon another, so the two aren't constantly squabbling over every stupid decision. And where is Jack in all of this?
If they are going to work together, Phyllis needs to stop making every decision seem like a contest between her and Sharon. And she needs to stop acting like Nick doesn't love her as much if he sides with Sharon.
Why are they all making the same decisions about the same thing? Why isn't Phyllis in charge of one aspect of the magazine and Sharon another, so the two aren't constantly squabbling over every stupid decision. And where is Jack in all of this?
Friday, April 25, 2008
open house
Can anybody walk into the Newman house unannounced these days? It was one thing for Victoria to walk in, but TGVN Jr.?! Damn, that takes nerve. And what's the deal with him using the name "Adam Wilson" when everyone is quick to point out that he's TGVN's son?
oh baby
Why do I get the feeling Lily is going to miscarry? I can't see them saddling her young character with a baby.
an classy move on Victor's part
He lets Sabrina ride Nikki's horse even though he knew it hurt Nikki's feelings? Love the way he said, "You're riding her now." Get ready, Sabrina. Your turn is next.
If she REALLY cared about what Vicki thinks, the way she keeps saying she does, she'd break off this affair with Victor. And I STILL think this chick has something to do with that art storyline. Remember the hideous Reliquary storyline? Ugh. I don't think we've heard the last of that.
If she REALLY cared about what Vicki thinks, the way she keeps saying she does, she'd break off this affair with Victor. And I STILL think this chick has something to do with that art storyline. Remember the hideous Reliquary storyline? Ugh. I don't think we've heard the last of that.
the young and the restless,
victor newman
revoke her parental license!
Gloria wants to adopt a KID?! Why? Because she didn't screw the other two up badly enough?!
ya got to have friends
Phyllis was only asked to be godmother because Victoria doesn't have any "other" friends. Before the writers manufactured Sabrina, she didn't have any, nor did she mention any when she returned from Italy. She jumped at the chance to say 'yes.' I guess she conveniently forgot how nasty Victoria was to her and how quickly Victoria dumped her bridesmaid gig when Phyllis & Nick got married. What about the cold shoulder Victoria and her snotty mother gave her when they were planning Nick's "funeral"? And Nick said yesterday that they were "always best of friends"? Puhleeze.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
the young and the zen
In yesterday's episode of Y&R, Nick and Victoria go to the coffeehouse together with the baby in the stroller. I thought it was funny that before they sat down, Victoria pushed the strolled BEHIND her chair and it was there for the entire scene. Great mom. The kid could be choking and she’d never notice.
I had to laugh at Jana going on and on about how she meditated and did all sorts of New Agey stuff with her “mum”…..yet she turned into a murderer anyway. Just a couple months ago, she was into Goth. If one more person mentions the words “karma” or “fate,“ I’m going to upchuck. The last few days I feel like I’m watching an episode of “My Name is Jana.”
I had to laugh at Jana going on and on about how she meditated and did all sorts of New Agey stuff with her “mum”…..yet she turned into a murderer anyway. Just a couple months ago, she was into Goth. If one more person mentions the words “karma” or “fate,“ I’m going to upchuck. The last few days I feel like I’m watching an episode of “My Name is Jana.”
kevin fisher,
the young and the restless,
Friday, April 18, 2008
up and coming
County singer Trace Adkins will appear on Y&R on May 2nd. He will perform "You're Gonna Miss This."
Michael Graziadei will guest star on the April 30th episode of "Criminal Minds" on CBS.
Michael Graziadei will guest star on the April 30th episode of "Criminal Minds" on CBS.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
the young and the overly dramatic
Lily tells Cane she worked "SO hard" for her modeling career? Excuse me, she won a damn contest. Up until that point, she showed no interest whatsoever in a modeling career.
Chow returns home and tells Nikki there was no cell phone service at the hospital where his uncle was taken. No landlines either?
What in the world was Neil thinking asking his gf to raise his daughter's baby?! He doesn't even think enough of Karen to make her his wife, and yet he wants her to raise his grandkid? Unbelievable.
Funny how all the women in Victor Newman's life ignore the signs of how controlling and cold he is. Sabrina is baffled as to why he isn't upset by Vikki's reaction to their affair. She walks in on him yelling on the phone to a business acquaintance. He buys Nick's mortgage then insists his stupid museum be in that building. But I'm sure all these little things won't mean much to Sabrina until after he starts running her life. Oh, wait, he already has. He's made sure she stays in GC, instead of NYC. And he's making sure she lives with him where he can keep an eye on her.
Chow returns home and tells Nikki there was no cell phone service at the hospital where his uncle was taken. No landlines either?
What in the world was Neil thinking asking his gf to raise his daughter's baby?! He doesn't even think enough of Karen to make her his wife, and yet he wants her to raise his grandkid? Unbelievable.
Funny how all the women in Victor Newman's life ignore the signs of how controlling and cold he is. Sabrina is baffled as to why he isn't upset by Vikki's reaction to their affair. She walks in on him yelling on the phone to a business acquaintance. He buys Nick's mortgage then insists his stupid museum be in that building. But I'm sure all these little things won't mean much to Sabrina until after he starts running her life. Oh, wait, he already has. He's made sure she stays in GC, instead of NYC. And he's making sure she lives with him where he can keep an eye on her.
lily winters,
neil winters,
the young and the restless
let's make up
If they insist on pushing this "Lily is so rundown and worn out" storyline then they need to start changing her make-up to reflect that. S
She looks perfectly healthy and well rested to me.
And UGH!! stop with all the French talk from Sabrina. How elitist. She and Victor make the perfect snobs. Today's show is a perfect example of why I hate Victor. When Nick bought the warehouse, he was an idiot with no hope of succeeding. Victor buys his mortgage because "it's a sound business decision". Riiiight. It's always different when dear old Dad does something.
She looks perfectly healthy and well rested to me.
And UGH!! stop with all the French talk from Sabrina. How elitist. She and Victor make the perfect snobs. Today's show is a perfect example of why I hate Victor. When Nick bought the warehouse, he was an idiot with no hope of succeeding. Victor buys his mortgage because "it's a sound business decision". Riiiight. It's always different when dear old Dad does something.
the writers at their best once again
The Great Victor Newman Jr says creating ads on social networking sites is "cutting edge"?! Where the hell has he been the last five years? And what about Victor replying with "this is all very interesting?" Ugh. Mr. "I Built This Business From The Ground Up With My Own Two Hands" acts like he's never heard of the internet before. And yet there he was googling models to get info on them. Make up your mind, writers!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
i will be your father figure
How naive is worldly Victoria that she can't figure out her old man and Sabrina are having an affair? She walked in on them standing toe to toe how many times now and yet it comes as a big shock to her when she finds out they're doing the nasty? And isn't she a little old to be wishing Mommy and Daddy would get back together when she sees how toxic those two are together?
the young and the restless,
victor newman,
what a lovely way of saying how much she loves me
I know I've been ragging on Lily for being so immature, but today's scenes with Kahlil and St. John were some of her best EVER.
This pregnancy issue is turning out to be rather interesting, in light of the fact that Lily has suddenly decided she wants to be a model and having the baby will interfere with that. I don't agree with abortion because a child is an inconvenience, but this is definitely one of Y&R's better storylines right now.
This pregnancy issue is turning out to be rather interesting, in light of the fact that Lily has suddenly decided she wants to be a model and having the baby will interfere with that. I don't agree with abortion because a child is an inconvenience, but this is definitely one of Y&R's better storylines right now.
lily winters,
neil winters,
st. john,
the young and the restless
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
and another thing...
One of the things that annoys me about Eric Braeden’s acting is when he walks around with his hands in his pockets. The whole Bobby Marsino/Nikki kidnapping storyline instantly comes to mind. He was forever walking around the ranch with his damn hands in his pockets. I think at one point when he delivered a roundhouse kick to the thug’s stomach, his hands were still in his pockets. l think the thing that MOST annoys me, though, is Victor’s arrogance and hatred of women. Yes, hatred. Yes, women. He wines them, dines them, hires them to be his museum curator, but when push comes to shove and they try to make something of themselves, he is constantly belittling them. He’s an emotionally abusive man. When Nick wanted to run the coffee house, he told him he’d be a failure. When Nick wanted to start the mag, Vitor told him he’d be a failure. Anytime Nikki wants to do ANYTHING, Victor is first in line to tell her she’ll tank. And not just once. He’ll tell her over and over, then he’ll go out of his way to make it happen so he can say “I told you so.” It’s despicable for a father to tell his son he’s going to fail, then go behind his back and persuade the advertisers not to advertise in the magazine. If Nick (or Nikki) are going to fail, then be honest about it and let them fail on their own.
What’s the deal with Alistair and his part time accent? First he was speaking with --I believe--a Scottish accent. Then he told Jack & Sharon he didn’t speak with an accent at all, that he was faking it and he sounded like John. Now he’s using a mild variation of the Scottish accent and suddenly will talk without one at all. USE IT OR LOSE IT, ALISTAIR!!
Amelia Heinle does NOT look good as a blonde. I often wonder if this is the actress’ personal choice or if TPTB are trying to “blonde up” all the women on the show. I never liked Heather Tom as a blonde, then I got used to it. Now I don’t like her as a brunette, but Amelia looks much better as a brunette because right now she’s in ‘hair coloring purgatory,’ meaning she’s not a brunette, but she’s not blonde either.
What’s the deal with Alistair and his part time accent? First he was speaking with --I believe--a Scottish accent. Then he told Jack & Sharon he didn’t speak with an accent at all, that he was faking it and he sounded like John. Now he’s using a mild variation of the Scottish accent and suddenly will talk without one at all. USE IT OR LOSE IT, ALISTAIR!!
Amelia Heinle does NOT look good as a blonde. I often wonder if this is the actress’ personal choice or if TPTB are trying to “blonde up” all the women on the show. I never liked Heather Tom as a blonde, then I got used to it. Now I don’t like her as a brunette, but Amelia looks much better as a brunette because right now she’s in ‘hair coloring purgatory,’ meaning she’s not a brunette, but she’s not blonde either.
jack abbott,
victor newman
Monday, April 7, 2008
out of the mouth of immature babes
Lily summed it up best today when she said, "A baby needs a mom and dad. A mature mom and dad."
67 y.o. Eric Braden sucking face with Raya Meddine is DISGUSTING.
67 y.o. Eric Braden sucking face with Raya Meddine is DISGUSTING.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
oh crap
According to the spoilers, Lily is pregnant. Yuck. Immature kids having kids.
Apparently Neil and Karen argue over the situation, so I wonder if Lily is thinking about not having it? And I love how everybody in the Winterzzz family has to know everyone's business.
BTW, whatever happened to her ex-husband's debilitating porn addiction? You know, the one that was so bad it ruined their marriage? It seems to have disappeared along with his marriage decree.
Apparently Neil and Karen argue over the situation, so I wonder if Lily is thinking about not having it? And I love how everybody in the Winterzzz family has to know everyone's business.
BTW, whatever happened to her ex-husband's debilitating porn addiction? You know, the one that was so bad it ruined their marriage? It seems to have disappeared along with his marriage decree.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
the great victor newman's phrase book
"Well, I'll be damned."
"I built this business from the ground up, with my own two hands!"
"You got that?!"
"I built this business from the ground up, with my own two hands!"
"You got that?!"
fly, little bird, fly!
Awww, fiftysomething Jack Abbott is forced to move out of the family home. Booo hooo.
There's something unnatural about a grown man living with Daddy all of his life, including his married lives. Even Ashley lived with Daddy when she was married to Blade. What gives with these Abbott kids being terrified to leave the nest? You'd think they'd WANT a home of their own. But apparently privacy isn't tops on their "must have" list. The only time they even hinted at leaving home, and having a house built, an affair with the architect ruined the whole thing.
There's something unnatural about a grown man living with Daddy all of his life, including his married lives. Even Ashley lived with Daddy when she was married to Blade. What gives with these Abbott kids being terrified to leave the nest? You'd think they'd WANT a home of their own. But apparently privacy isn't tops on their "must have" list. The only time they even hinted at leaving home, and having a house built, an affair with the architect ruined the whole thing.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
let he who is without hair toss the first bad toupee

Here's John Abbott about ten years ago. Note the thinning ....*cough*...'hair' on the top.

Advance ten years later and IT'S A MIRACLE!! He has more...*cough* 'hair' now than he did years earlier!!!
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