Friday, July 18, 2008

FINALLY sounds like things might be getting good!

Watch for David Chow to continue to spiral out of control. Will he self-destruct, or will Paul and Heather out him as Ji Min's killer? Or both?! It appears that David will also be part of a very tragic incident which occurs at the Charity Ball, and which involves a character who is very dear to the heart of David's nemesis - Victor Newman.

Paul finds information linking Chow to the mob.

David Chow winds up dead, from a car crash. Word has it another GC resident is out. Is this true? Who is it that flat lines, other than David? Sabrina?

Guess this will leave things wide open for Nikki and Victor to comfort each other. Once Chow dies, I bet we'll find he's responsible for everything that happened in GC since LML came on board...LOL! Hey, somebody has to wrap up all her damn loose storyends.

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