Tuesday, July 22, 2008

write right will ya

I think one of the most disappointing writing tricks the writers use on this soap is dropping something lifechanging on us in one episode.

Anybody ever remember Kevin talking about his love of computers before his mother wanted him to do all sorts of dirty dealings on it?

Anybody ever remember Jana talking about good karma and fate when she was plotting to kill Colleen and Kevin for the art $?

Anybody ever remember Daniel talking about his love of photography before Restless Style? Hell, I never even saw him snap a cell phone picture.

And most recently, anybody ever remember Daniel talking about his love of sketching? SKETCHING?! When he came back from tour with his dad and handed Amber the sketchbook and said, "Look I sketched the trip for you," I thought, "WTH happened to your love of photography?!"s

The LEAST the writers could do is take a few shows to lay the groundwork for this sort of stuff, instead of dumping it on us out of sheer laziness.

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