Friday, July 2, 2010
say WHAT?!
I loved Michael's line in the courtroom, when he was talking to Lauren and he said "My work never comes before you." His work ALWAYS comes before her!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
send them to the cornfield!
Happy to see Sharon & Phyllis dressed appropriately to be running through the cornfield--tight pants and high heeled boots......
well duh
Chloe's "outrage" over Billy getting married to Victoria while drunk was pretty comical, especially when she ranted about what kind of an "influence" he was going to have on Delia now.
The same "influence" he's had so far: a shitty one.
The same "influence" he's had so far: a shitty one.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
up and coming on Y&R
Jill plants a listening device under Tucker & Ashley's table to find out what they're up to.
She's wasted at RS. Jill needs to start her own PI service. She gets more info and faster than Paul, who can't even figure out Patti is talking about Emily's brother!
Lily sends her will and specifies that Mac & Cane share joint custody of the babies if Lily should die.
I know you can specify who you want to raise your BORN child, if you die, but would Lily really have any say in the matter IF she would die before the babies are actually born? And can she specify "joint custody"? Wouldn't that be the surviving parent's decision?
She's wasted at RS. Jill needs to start her own PI service. She gets more info and faster than Paul, who can't even figure out Patti is talking about Emily's brother!
Lily sends her will and specifies that Mac & Cane share joint custody of the babies if Lily should die.
I know you can specify who you want to raise your BORN child, if you die, but would Lily really have any say in the matter IF she would die before the babies are actually born? And can she specify "joint custody"? Wouldn't that be the surviving parent's decision?
Sunday, May 30, 2010
life imitates art?
I don't know what a "fairly" tale is, but remember Crystal Hunt, who used to play Lizzie on GL? Yikes!
Their fairly tale love has a soap opera ending
It was a romance right out of a soap opera.He was the dashing cancer surgeon.
She was the hot blond TV star.
He proposed over a bathtub filled with bubbles and water lilies, and slipped a five-carat fancy yellow diamond ring on her finger.
The engagement party was at her sister's Odessa home. The happy couple arrived by helicopter. They planned to marry this past September and live in the Tarpon Springs home she bought for $870,000.
But the romance began to unravel the day she got a letter from a stranger.
• • •
Now, Crystal Hunt, a Clearwater native who played troublemaker Stacy Morasco on ABC's One Life to Live, has called off the engagement.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
budget cuts!
Now I see why Billy & Victoria got married on the *cough*beach*cough* the same week we discover Adam is still alive. So Y&R could reuse that cheesy *cough*beach*cough*.
I'm guessing the Set Department worked really hard at this. They threw down some sand in the middle of the studio, brought in some swaying Palm trees from somebody's backyard birthday luau, and had Billy & Victoria get married on it.
Then they removed the limbo stick and the rum drinking "Jamaicans" with their really bad accents, Mon, and brought Adam and his lawn chair out and slapped them on the sand.
Speaking of really bad accents, Billy Miller was vacillating between his really bad fake Jamaican accent and his really bad fake Irish accent when he was reading the note with the video from his Jamaican friends, Mon.
I'm guessing the Set Department worked really hard at this. They threw down some sand in the middle of the studio, brought in some swaying Palm trees from somebody's backyard birthday luau, and had Billy & Victoria get married on it.
Then they removed the limbo stick and the rum drinking "Jamaicans" with their really bad accents, Mon, and brought Adam and his lawn chair out and slapped them on the sand.
Speaking of really bad accents, Billy Miller was vacillating between his really bad fake Jamaican accent and his really bad fake Irish accent when he was reading the note with the video from his Jamaican friends, Mon.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
reality bites
I'm so happy that Y&R writers give us realistic storylines.
Take Nick getting attacked in jail. This sort of thing happens every day in real life and every day the accused murderer (Nick in this case) is set free simply because he's in danger from other inmates.
BULLSHIT! Nick would have been placed in solitary so he wasn't in any danger.
This show SUCKS when it comes to "reality".
Take Nick getting attacked in jail. This sort of thing happens every day in real life and every day the accused murderer (Nick in this case) is set free simply because he's in danger from other inmates.
BULLSHIT! Nick would have been placed in solitary so he wasn't in any danger.
This show SUCKS when it comes to "reality".
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
father never knows best
I thought it was MIGHTY FUNNY of TGVN to tell Phyllis to butt out of her husband's affairs right after Victor butted into his daughter's affairs and caused her to lose custody of her son.
Yep, Victor's arrogance never ceases to amaze me.
Why did they bring this buffon back?!
BTW, Nick needs to get his ass to a chiropractor to see if he can locate his spine. Does he EVER stand up for his wife to daddy dearest?!
Yep, Victor's arrogance never ceases to amaze me.
Why did they bring this buffon back?!
BTW, Nick needs to get his ass to a chiropractor to see if he can locate his spine. Does he EVER stand up for his wife to daddy dearest?!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
I really hope he wins
Aside from that one bad meltdown at the GC Athletic Club when he realized Patti was his sister, Doug Davidson has really been putting his heart and soul into this role. He's up for a Daytime Emmy and I hope he wins. He certainly deserves it. I have NO IDEA why Peter Bergman was nominated. He's done nothing but wince and stare off into the distance for most of this year. The same way he does most years.


What in the world are the writers doing with Chloe's character?
At first she was this clingy, lying femme fatale who went after Billy and married Cane, knowing she was carrying Billy's baby. Then suddenly after the baby was born, she seemed to mature and become more of an adult, much in part, I believe because of her new relationship with Chance.
He asked her to marry him and she was mature enough to say she wasn't ready.
Now all of a sudden, she's showing up everywhere with food for Chance, whining about how they never get to spend any time together and she's getting all clingy again. What about HER job? Who's running Restless Style these days now that Billy is in Jamaica and Jill has been fired and Chloe has a new job working as Chance's waitress? What about Chloe's life? Why is she suddenly so insecure again? All of a sudden she doesn't get that people have jobs and responsibilities and can't be partying all the time so she calls that idiot ex of hers?!
The writers are once again ruining a good character.
Friday, May 14, 2010
one hairy mess
Ok, I get that Patti is nuts and doesn't have access to a brush and comb...

But what the hell is VICTORIA'S excuse?! She hasn't brushed that rat's nest all day! As if that beach scene wasn't painful enough to watch in the first place...

But what the hell is VICTORIA'S excuse?! She hasn't brushed that rat's nest all day! As if that beach scene wasn't painful enough to watch in the first place...

patti williams,
the young and the restless,
it's the Boobsey Twins!

They solve crimes and flash their big boobs!
They're so clever! They question Patti for the truth and when she tells the truth, they say she's incapable of telling the truth.
And leave it to the Boobsy Twins to come up with the SURPRISING idea that maybe Adam called his killer before his death, because we KNOW the COPS would never come up with something like that!
Their crime solving wisdom underwhelms me!
Monday, May 10, 2010
sounds like a new GCPD recruit
Oooooooooooooooo so NOW someone notices the smell of peroxide when it was done at the Abbott house, but nobody noticed it before when the dye job was done in a small enclosed room WITH NO WINDOWS?! I'm revoking Jack's junior detective badge......for life!
Speaking of losing his junior detective's badge, why didn't Jack just CHECK EMILY'S PULSE to make sure she was still alive?! Duh alert. And how good is that medical examiner? Surely Emily's body was still warm since she was....ummmmm, what's that word? oh yeah........ALIVE.
Speaking of losing his junior detective's badge, why didn't Jack just CHECK EMILY'S PULSE to make sure she was still alive?! Duh alert. And how good is that medical examiner? Surely Emily's body was still warm since she was....ummmmm, what's that word? oh yeah........ALIVE.
genoa city pd,
the young and the restless
Friday, May 7, 2010
the saddest thing about Amber leaving the show is
....that in all these years, she was never able to afford waterproof mascara.
it's the nanny!
Just a FEW WEEKS back, Sharon got Faith and kept rambling on ad naseum how NO ONE BUT HER AND NICK could bond with this baby. OMG! No one could feed Faith or God forbid, TOUCH FAITH, but her and Nick.
Today Victor called and she's all, "Ok, I'll call the nanny."
Wow, that bonding didn't take long, did it?
Today Victor called and she's all, "Ok, I'll call the nanny."
Wow, that bonding didn't take long, did it?
the young and the restless
Thursday, May 6, 2010
outsmarted by a psycho
Jack Abbott's self esteem should be in the basement by now. I mean, the guy has been outsmarted, not once, but TWICE by a psycho.
And the absurdities of this storyline continues.....
How many Jane Does are in the mental facility and why wasn't Emily's body recognized by anyone? How did Patti get her downstairs to the morgue all by her lonesome without being spotted? Sure SOME of the staff were out, but was EVERYONE out for the day?
As if dying her hair in the cell the first time around wasn't DUMB enough, now we have this...
And the absurdities of this storyline continues.....
How many Jane Does are in the mental facility and why wasn't Emily's body recognized by anyone? How did Patti get her downstairs to the morgue all by her lonesome without being spotted? Sure SOME of the staff were out, but was EVERYONE out for the day?
As if dying her hair in the cell the first time around wasn't DUMB enough, now we have this...
patti williams,
the young and the restless
the GCPD is filled with idiots
Once again the GCPD have proven themselves to be idiots. On the strength of Adam--a known liar-- talking to HIMSELF, with no other voices on the phone for verification, they now believe that Nick killed Adam.
Chance needs to get his ass back to the Army because he TOTALLY SUCKS as a "detective".
Let's see, so far he has blamed Victoria for Adam's murder, then Nick, then Victor, and now we're back to Nick. Victoria needs to pack her bags, just in case Chance wants to rearrest her.
Chance needs to get his ass back to the Army because he TOTALLY SUCKS as a "detective".
Let's see, so far he has blamed Victoria for Adam's murder, then Nick, then Victor, and now we're back to Nick. Victoria needs to pack her bags, just in case Chance wants to rearrest her.
genoa city pd,
the young and the restless,
Monday, May 3, 2010
pop goes your weasel
IF the zoo and amusement park has been abandoned for years, how can the clown music possibly be playing all the time?!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
boil toil bubble and brew
I have to admit, I like Sarah's character much better than Lauren's.
Lauren is soooo freaking boring most of the time.
Lauren is soooo freaking boring most of the time.
why are soap cops always such complete idiots
Today Jack said, "Pomerantz is smart enough to know I wouldn't leave my calling card"--his handkerchief stuffed down the Adam's throat--and yet Pomerantz arrested Nick because of his pen, along with a little blood on his jacket. Yeah, makes perfect sense. Jack is innocent but clearly Nick is suspicious.
And how could they all "stand around and watch Adam die" as Pomerantz suggested when the lights were out?! Geez, I don't know who is worse: Chance or Pomerantz.
And how could they all "stand around and watch Adam die" as Pomerantz suggested when the lights were out?! Geez, I don't know who is worse: Chance or Pomerantz.
jack abbott,
the young and the restless
Monday, April 26, 2010
they're a few crayons short of a box
How BRILLIANT to set a fire INSIDE the cage where you're trapped....just BRILLIANT
ring a ling a ling...this is eric braeden phoning in my performance..
Eric Braeden's "acting" as of late has been so bad and so freaking boring, that it's difficult to watch.
What the HELL gives with him calling everyone by their last name? "I understand the consequences, Michael Baldwin, and you have to understand what I'm guilty of."
His whole monotone, boring "confession" was mind numbing at best. You got that?
What the HELL gives with him calling everyone by their last name? "I understand the consequences, Michael Baldwin, and you have to understand what I'm guilty of."
His whole monotone, boring "confession" was mind numbing at best. You got that?
Sunday, April 25, 2010
the "detective" is a jackass
Spoiler: "It becomes clear that Victor is protecting someone he loves very deeply as Chance finds another suspect"
Ok, Chance is working my last nerve. He needs to be fired and the DA needs to be booted. Seriously, does anyone actually conduct a FULL investigation on this show? Every time Chance gets a little bit of evidence, he arrests someone.
Just a thought: why doesn't Chance just arrest the entire town and then let them go when he doesn't have enough evidence to convict them?
Ok, Chance is working my last nerve. He needs to be fired and the DA needs to be booted. Seriously, does anyone actually conduct a FULL investigation on this show? Every time Chance gets a little bit of evidence, he arrests someone.
Just a thought: why doesn't Chance just arrest the entire town and then let them go when he doesn't have enough evidence to convict them?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
just when I think this storyline can't get any STUPIDER
Death by pen.
Are you fucking KIDDING me?! And it wasn't even one of those sharp ink well pens either!
And WTF was up with Chance putting out a WANTED POSTER for a JACKET?! What's next? A frickin' APB?! "All cars within the vicinity of Genoa City be on the look out for a tuxedo jacket. Black in color. Soft to the touch." Oy vey.
I don't want to see anyone lose their job, but these writers have GOT. TO. GO.
And what was up with Phyllis saying the garbage bin was full? How would she know that? Does she have some sort of special esp with garbage bins because she was nowhere NEAR the bin when Sharon dumped the coat. And why in the world did Sharon put that kid in a stroller to toss an overcoat?! Leave her in the car for Pete's sake.
Are you fucking KIDDING me?! And it wasn't even one of those sharp ink well pens either!
And WTF was up with Chance putting out a WANTED POSTER for a JACKET?! What's next? A frickin' APB?! "All cars within the vicinity of Genoa City be on the look out for a tuxedo jacket. Black in color. Soft to the touch." Oy vey.
I don't want to see anyone lose their job, but these writers have GOT. TO. GO.
And what was up with Phyllis saying the garbage bin was full? How would she know that? Does she have some sort of special esp with garbage bins because she was nowhere NEAR the bin when Sharon dumped the coat. And why in the world did Sharon put that kid in a stroller to toss an overcoat?! Leave her in the car for Pete's sake.
adam's death,
the young and the restless
Thursday, April 8, 2010
the cream of the crop
My favorite part was of today's show was when Lauren told Daisy that unlike Shelia, SHE wasn't crazy.
Really, Lauren? She has you locked in a cage, and Jana in a box and she's NOT crazy?!
Who's the crazy one now, beyotch?
Really, Lauren? She has you locked in a cage, and Jana in a box and she's NOT crazy?!
Who's the crazy one now, beyotch?
shelia carter,
the young and the restless
thoughts on today's show
Why doesn't Patti EVER get caught ranting and raving and screaming to herself in the Abbott Mansion? Can't Jack afford a housekeeper?
Why is Phyllis phreaking out about Nick's jacket having blood on it? Wasn't he in an EXPLOSION? With flying debris?!
You just know that whatever Victor threw in the garbage and made a big production out of getting rid of was something diabolically important to the murder case.
I am SO FED UP with all the garbage about no one else being able to hold Faith other than Nick and Sharon. Today when Nick left the room and seemed to go deaf at the top of the stairs, Phyllis held the baby. And in other news, the world yawned...
Why is Phyllis phreaking out about Nick's jacket having blood on it? Wasn't he in an EXPLOSION? With flying debris?!
You just know that whatever Victor threw in the garbage and made a big production out of getting rid of was something diabolically important to the murder case.
I am SO FED UP with all the garbage about no one else being able to hold Faith other than Nick and Sharon. Today when Nick left the room and seemed to go deaf at the top of the stairs, Phyllis held the baby. And in other news, the world yawned...
patti williams,
the young and the restless,
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
talk about sloppy writing
Let's see, it's a Policeman's Ball, there's an explosion and Jack and Victor are heading the search parties.
Hmm, what could possibly be missing from this scenario?
Oh, yeah, POLICEMEN!
Hmm, what could possibly be missing from this scenario?
Oh, yeah, POLICEMEN!
Monday, April 5, 2010
WTF, Victor?!
What made me laugh about this episode when I watched it yesterday was at one point during the gas leak craziness, someone said, "What about Sharon and the baby? Are they still upstairs?"
And Mumbles shrugged his shoulders and said something, "MMmdontknowmmm", and NO ONE bothered to go upstairs and see!
As a matter of fact, no one from the Athletic Club ran up to warn their guests with rooms, but for Victor to not even concern himself with his former daughter in law and her baby...well, that was just totally unreal.
And Mumbles shrugged his shoulders and said something, "MMmdontknowmmm", and NO ONE bothered to go upstairs and see!
As a matter of fact, no one from the Athletic Club ran up to warn their guests with rooms, but for Victor to not even concern himself with his former daughter in law and her baby...well, that was just totally unreal.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Why would you feel a six month old baby avacadoes?
I loved it when Nick said to Sharon, "have you even left this room since you moved in here?" You know, THE NIGHT BEFORE.
I loved it when Nick said to Sharon, "have you even left this room since you moved in here?" You know, THE NIGHT BEFORE.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
are your pants on fire?
I had to laugh at how Patti told Adam no one would believe him because he's a pathological liar, then she believed him when he said he'd put her back in a padded cell if she didn't help him. Oy!
are the writers that dumb or do they think we are?!
Adam might walk because the magazine article "tainted the jury pool"?
Ummm, his ass hasn't even been arraigned before a judge yet, let alone did anyone start picking a jury, and this doofus already has him walking free.
If every article tainted possible jury selection and allowed the criminals to go free, there wouldn't be anyone in jail!!
Guess the prosecutor has never heard of MOVING the trial to a different county? Of course he hasn't. That might make sense.
Ummm, his ass hasn't even been arraigned before a judge yet, let alone did anyone start picking a jury, and this doofus already has him walking free.
If every article tainted possible jury selection and allowed the criminals to go free, there wouldn't be anyone in jail!!
Guess the prosecutor has never heard of MOVING the trial to a different county? Of course he hasn't. That might make sense.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
oh baby baby
Now that I've seen today's show, and Billy made that crack about sex while wearing a mask, I can't help but wonder if Victoria doesn't think she's having sex with Billy, but it's with JT and she winds up pregnant, in another "who's the daddy?" scenario?
And we KNOW Adam or someone we think is Adam will be offed because everyone has threatened him--including Ashley and Nick today--and everyone has had a witness--the guard and the maid at the Ranch.
And we KNOW Adam or someone we think is Adam will be offed because everyone has threatened him--including Ashley and Nick today--and everyone has had a witness--the guard and the maid at the Ranch.
masquerade ball,
the young and the restless,
Saturday, March 27, 2010
a blind man could see where this is heading...
"Sharon claims that in order for Faith to make an attachment to them, THEY must be the only ones 'hands on' with her - for a while."
Like the kid is going to know at her age anyway. Almost as ridiculous as Ashley moaning about how she was going to explain things to Faith. Um, hello? Infants don't need explanations. They just need loving care. And sorry, but no, it doesn't matter who provides it.
"Sharon moves back to the club thinking Victor will be hurt if he has to see the baby he lost living at the ranch."
Puhleeze. Mr. Mumbles hasn't show one iota of "loss" beyond his little speech at the house about how Ashley and he were the victims of a 'cruel hoax'. Let's face it, he didn't see that kid for WEEKS after she was born. Besides, we all know TGVN never shows his emotions anyway.
Ok, if the doctor told Ashley she miscarried, why does she keep wondering what happened to her baby? She lost it. Sadly, end of story.
Like the kid is going to know at her age anyway. Almost as ridiculous as Ashley moaning about how she was going to explain things to Faith. Um, hello? Infants don't need explanations. They just need loving care. And sorry, but no, it doesn't matter who provides it.
"Sharon moves back to the club thinking Victor will be hurt if he has to see the baby he lost living at the ranch."
Puhleeze. Mr. Mumbles hasn't show one iota of "loss" beyond his little speech at the house about how Ashley and he were the victims of a 'cruel hoax'. Let's face it, he didn't see that kid for WEEKS after she was born. Besides, we all know TGVN never shows his emotions anyway.
Ok, if the doctor told Ashley she miscarried, why does she keep wondering what happened to her baby? She lost it. Sadly, end of story.
Friday, March 26, 2010
let's step into our time machine and go back...back....back
Sharon told Nick she saw the article in the EVENING Chronicle?! Who has EVENING editions anymore?! Heck we haven't had one since the late 60's!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Billy has to "work" at getting the article taken off the Restless Style website?
Umm, hey, jackass, it's YOUR website, it would take you about two seconds to take the damn article down.
Jack pisses me off. He's always railing at Billy and he never apologizes. Just like today at Restless Style, even when he knew Billy wasn't behind the story, he didn't bother to apologize.
I love how Lauren points out all the incidences in which she was feeling sick and Daisy was present, then she says, "Well, Ryder does seem like the obvious suspect." REALLY?
Umm, hey, jackass, it's YOUR website, it would take you about two seconds to take the damn article down.
Jack pisses me off. He's always railing at Billy and he never apologizes. Just like today at Restless Style, even when he knew Billy wasn't behind the story, he didn't bother to apologize.
I love how Lauren points out all the incidences in which she was feeling sick and Daisy was present, then she says, "Well, Ryder does seem like the obvious suspect." REALLY?
oh she's "special" alright
I about fell off the chair laughing when Ashley said to Tucker about Faith, "Yeah, she does this special thing where she waves her arms when she's really excited about something."
Yeah, her and twenty million other babies on this planet!
And what the hell gives with Daisy skulking around in a black hat and coat as if no one will recognize her? Once again Y&R rules in the "disguise" department.
Katherine's tax argument made no sense. Ok, if there IS a big tax bill for Jack and Victor, can't she simply reimburse them?
Yeah, her and twenty million other babies on this planet!
And what the hell gives with Daisy skulking around in a black hat and coat as if no one will recognize her? Once again Y&R rules in the "disguise" department.
Katherine's tax argument made no sense. Ok, if there IS a big tax bill for Jack and Victor, can't she simply reimburse them?
the young and the restless,
tucker mccall
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
really restless style
What is up with that idiot Jill? Doesn't she know she's going to get her own son in trouble with that story?
And what's with her "I'm running Restless Style now". REALLY?
I bet Billy would have a problem with that line way of thinking. And I am so tired of them having a magazine put out every time there's a story. Magazines take months to prepare, but not Restless Style. They have a cover story, within a day or two a new magazine appears! And I love how they have it laying around at the GC Athletic Club or the same day it comes out. Who's buying this rag?
And what's with her "I'm running Restless Style now". REALLY?
I bet Billy would have a problem with that line way of thinking. And I am so tired of them having a magazine put out every time there's a story. Magazines take months to prepare, but not Restless Style. They have a cover story, within a day or two a new magazine appears! And I love how they have it laying around at the GC Athletic Club or the same day it comes out. Who's buying this rag?
restless style,
the young and the restless
Monday, March 15, 2010
what an ass
LOVE how Nick asked Phyllis why she thought he would neglect her and Summer now that Faith was in the picture?
DUH. Because he did it the LAST TIME Faith was in the picture. He skipped off to go house hunting with Sharon the minute he found out she was pregnant.
Might that be a good enough reason?
DUH. Because he did it the LAST TIME Faith was in the picture. He skipped off to go house hunting with Sharon the minute he found out she was pregnant.
Might that be a good enough reason?
the young and the restless
Thursday, March 4, 2010
and she's OUT

Vail Bloom is leaving Y&R. Eden Riegel(AMC- ex Bianca) is joining Y&R as Vail's replacement.
Sad to say, but Bloom added NOTHING to this show. Her "record" as ADA was a complete JOKE. She never won a single case, and the cases she did have, she managed to dump or settle.
I will give her due though in her relationship with Paul. They did seem to have a good rapport.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
who's the boss?

Didn't take long for Billy to lose his balls, did it?
Just last week when he hired his mommy--great decision there, btw. Who doesn't want to work with a mother who thinks more of her "fake" son than her real son?--he told her that it was HIS magazine and HE made the decisions.
Took him what, three or four days to knuckle under and follow her orders about whether or not to run the Tucker story?
What a pussy.
restless style,
the young and the restless,
tucker mccall
Sunday, February 28, 2010
name that Chancellor!
I had to laugh when Cane said he had no idea how the Feds figured out he used someone else's name and sosh number to get into the country.
Umm, seeing how the Chancellor's are supposed to be so famous in the business world, I'm surprised it's taken them MONTHS to come after him.
Wouldn't it have been in all the papers that he pretended to be someone else when Phillip turned up alive?
Umm, seeing how the Chancellor's are supposed to be so famous in the business world, I'm surprised it's taken them MONTHS to come after him.
Wouldn't it have been in all the papers that he pretended to be someone else when Phillip turned up alive?
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
that blonde hair dye is killing her brain cells!!
FUNNIEST LINE OF THE DAY was when Sharon was talking to Adam about Ashley's accusations and she said, "It'll all blow over"...OMG...she's priceless!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
dumb and dumber
This Patti/Emily switch annoys me on so many levels.
The ASININE writers expect us to swallow Patti and Emily not only looking alike, sounding alike, walking alike, now they want us to believe the women kiss the same, make love the same and have exactly the same body.
Another thing about Patti that makes absolutely no sense is that she was on tons of strong medication. Now here she is with NO medication and she's acting perfectly normal. She must have gone to the Ashley Abbott Cure Yourself of Mental Illness Academy.
A big "FUCK YOU" to the sloppy writers who think the viewers are stupid.
The ASININE writers expect us to swallow Patti and Emily not only looking alike, sounding alike, walking alike, now they want us to believe the women kiss the same, make love the same and have exactly the same body.
Another thing about Patti that makes absolutely no sense is that she was on tons of strong medication. Now here she is with NO medication and she's acting perfectly normal. She must have gone to the Ashley Abbott Cure Yourself of Mental Illness Academy.
A big "FUCK YOU" to the sloppy writers who think the viewers are stupid.
patti williams,
the young and the restless
Monday, February 15, 2010
When you've been married five or six times like Jack Abbott has been, the wedding vows and toasts are just downright laughable.
What was up with Ashley saying Jack had "waited his whole life" to find Emily/Patti? Um, and what were all the other marriages? Trial runs? I also had to LOL @Jack saying "this time" he was going to get it right. Yes, as opposed to all the other times he fucked it up.
And when Billy said Jack would never turn his back on Emily, I wanted to ROFL. Is he forgetting how Jack turned his back on HIM?
What was up with Ashley saying Jack had "waited his whole life" to find Emily/Patti? Um, and what were all the other marriages? Trial runs? I also had to LOL @Jack saying "this time" he was going to get it right. Yes, as opposed to all the other times he fucked it up.
And when Billy said Jack would never turn his back on Emily, I wanted to ROFL. Is he forgetting how Jack turned his back on HIM?
Saturday, February 13, 2010
their cousins! identical cousins!
You know if you can't tell you're living with a murderous psycho who is off her meds, that doesn't say much for your powers of observation. I guess we're expected to believe that Patti not only sounds like Emily, looks like Emily and walks like Emily, but their naked bodies look exactly the same too.............
Thursday, February 11, 2010
shining, gleaming, streaming, flaxen, waxen
This whole hair thing is stupid because Patti first put that blonde wig on when she was running with Colleen it was a WIG, not her real hair. And they admitted her to the psych ward with the wig on because I remember wondering why they'd do that because she could strangle herself with the wig.
Now all of a sudden, she's in a padded cell, restricted and suddenly it's her real hair. I think the writers need a padded room...
Now all of a sudden, she's in a padded cell, restricted and suddenly it's her real hair. I think the writers need a padded room...
he's come undone
Ridge has had it! He can't take anymore of the Logans...even though they're his wife's family. He smashes the award onto the desk, and.....

Ridge's nervous breakdown begins! It's sooo obvious he's in agony, right? Right?

The real meltdown begins! But Ronn Moss has to cover his face, otherwise you won't be able to tell the difference between this pic and the previous one. And to cover his bad acting. That was a given.

"Watch as I smear this blood all over my face while pretending I'm so anguished I don't know I'm bleeding..."

Ronn Moss in full bloody anguish mode! Can you tell? Yeah, me neither.

Notice how they hug to the side so as not to get any of Ridge's bloody anguish on Brooke's face or white blouse?

Ridge's nervous breakdown begins! It's sooo obvious he's in agony, right? Right?

The real meltdown begins! But Ronn Moss has to cover his face, otherwise you won't be able to tell the difference between this pic and the previous one. And to cover his bad acting. That was a given.

"Watch as I smear this blood all over my face while pretending I'm so anguished I don't know I'm bleeding..."

Ronn Moss in full bloody anguish mode! Can you tell? Yeah, me neither.

Notice how they hug to the side so as not to get any of Ridge's bloody anguish on Brooke's face or white blouse?

Monday, February 8, 2010
color me "president of Jabot"...
IF Victor really names Glo president of Jabot, you just know she'll be all full of herself, thinking he named her to the position because she really has talent. Should be a hoot to watch!
Friday, February 5, 2010
who's got Jabot
SPOILER: Victor outbids everyone and gets Jabot. He fires Jack and Ashley and appoints Gloria in charge. Apparently, Victor's hatred for Jack runs deep, that he is willing to sacrifice his investment.
This is just ridiculous. Victor just got finished screaming about how Newman was short on money. Then they not only outbid everyone else, but they put Gloria in charge to send the company down the toilet? Oh yeah, I wish I had millions to flush down the toilet JUST BECAUSE. I'm so sorry Victor ever came back.
This is just ridiculous. Victor just got finished screaming about how Newman was short on money. Then they not only outbid everyone else, but they put Gloria in charge to send the company down the toilet? Oh yeah, I wish I had millions to flush down the toilet JUST BECAUSE. I'm so sorry Victor ever came back.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
and then there was light....
I was watching today's show and in the segment with the robber Jill tells Chance someone "cut the phone lines and the power lines". How is it that the power was on in the house then when the officer arrived to take their statement? Now THAT'S what you call an efficient electric company!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I am totally disappointed in Sharon Case's delivery of the line "back off, bitch" today.
I wanted her to go all Real Housewives of New Jersey on Phyllis' ass and give it a "STEP OFF, BITCH!!" 'tude.
But no. It sounded more like "I said DIET Pepsi, not regular..."
I wanted her to go all Real Housewives of New Jersey on Phyllis' ass and give it a "STEP OFF, BITCH!!" 'tude.
But no. It sounded more like "I said DIET Pepsi, not regular..."
Some time this week, Chloe and Chance are out walking and they are shot at.
The writers either need to bring this story to the forefront and finish it or drop it. It's too sporadic and it's not nearly as interesting as all the other things that are going on right now. It's more of an annoying distraction.
The writers either need to bring this story to the forefront and finish it or drop it. It's too sporadic and it's not nearly as interesting as all the other things that are going on right now. It's more of an annoying distraction.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
oh for the love of----
How in the world could Jack NOT know about Gloria getting a settlement from Newman? I hate when the writers try to pull off crap like that. It's so convenient how Michael puts aside his ethics when it comes to his mother. He should have made her pay Jack the minute she got that money. Instead he's probably made it possible for her to hide it.
Friday, January 29, 2010
i see, said the blind man
Amazing how almost blind Adam can read that fine magazine print without having to use glasses to magnify the print OR hold it really close to his face. Ah, the miracles of modern science!
Way to tell off the great Victor Newman!!
She's exactly correct, though. This is typical M.O. He gets people to help him when HE needs something, reminding them that he "MIGHT" help them at some point. Then when they need his help, he kicks their asses to the curb.
Sure she may be burning her bridges behind her, but who cares? It was great TV!
She's exactly correct, though. This is typical M.O. He gets people to help him when HE needs something, reminding them that he "MIGHT" help them at some point. Then when they need his help, he kicks their asses to the curb.
Sure she may be burning her bridges behind her, but who cares? It was great TV!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
doctor doctor mrs md
Does anybody else think that Emily is acting like Patty these days? Especially with the mention of the Catholic Church.
And somebody please explain to me how Jack is going to get married in the Church when he's been divorced several times with NO annulments?
I think the new Tucker has a good, hard edge to him that William Russ just didn't have. He was too much the easy charmer, but that isn't in keeping with the character.
What gives with Jill being all smug that Tucker wouldn't let Jack buy the company outright? Not like Tucker gave her suggestion a bit of thought either. She's going to be used sooo badly. Anyone can see it coming. And I'm sure when she finally realizes what a hard ass Tucker is, Jill will be shocked and surprised. Oy.
And somebody please explain to me how Jack is going to get married in the Church when he's been divorced several times with NO annulments?
I think the new Tucker has a good, hard edge to him that William Russ just didn't have. He was too much the easy charmer, but that isn't in keeping with the character.
What gives with Jill being all smug that Tucker wouldn't let Jack buy the company outright? Not like Tucker gave her suggestion a bit of thought either. She's going to be used sooo badly. Anyone can see it coming. And I'm sure when she finally realizes what a hard ass Tucker is, Jill will be shocked and surprised. Oy.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
thoughts on today's show
LOVE how the brain trusts held the meeting to bring Tucker down right out in public at the Athletic Club.
Why in the world would the kids at school call Daisy "poor" when she looks anything BUT poor? I don't like it when they make the senior cast members look like complete IDIOTS when the teens are involved. And HOW LONG is Lauren going to go to the doctors about that week long headache?!
Why in the world would the kids at school call Daisy "poor" when she looks anything BUT poor? I don't like it when they make the senior cast members look like complete IDIOTS when the teens are involved. And HOW LONG is Lauren going to go to the doctors about that week long headache?!
Friday, January 22, 2010
walking in a winterzzz wonderland
I'm wondering who Malcolm's fiancee is. It can't be Olivia because he said he ran into her at the airport, and the way he took pains not to mention her first name tells me it will be someone we know. Maybe Karen? Or that idiot Tyra?
When I watched Neil and "Malcolm" together today, I realized why this new guy bugged me so much. Shemar and Kristoff had GREAT chemistry together. Heck, they had the perfect bromance. Kristoff and NuGuy DON'T have that same chemistry. Not at all.
When I watched Neil and "Malcolm" together today, I realized why this new guy bugged me so much. Shemar and Kristoff had GREAT chemistry together. Heck, they had the perfect bromance. Kristoff and NuGuy DON'T have that same chemistry. Not at all.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Nick Newman is an idiot
I love how Nick (and Nicki) seem totally clueless to Phyllis' plight. He doesn't care in the least that dear old Dad caused his daughter's physical problems. Both Nick and Nicki totally glossed over that fact and are making it seem like it's all Phyllis' problem.
I do love how Victor demoted his ass, though, and Nick totally deserved it. He is forever kissing Daddy's ass going to work for him, then Victor treats him like shit in his usual manner, and Nick gets all self-righteous and quits. Daddy snaps his fingers and guess who blows off his wife once again to please Daddy?
Nick deserves all the crap that gets thrown at him. He needs to man up and put his FAMILY first for once, instead of continually selling them out the way he is now.
I do love how Victor demoted his ass, though, and Nick totally deserved it. He is forever kissing Daddy's ass going to work for him, then Victor treats him like shit in his usual manner, and Nick gets all self-righteous and quits. Daddy snaps his fingers and guess who blows off his wife once again to please Daddy?
Nick deserves all the crap that gets thrown at him. He needs to man up and put his FAMILY first for once, instead of continually selling them out the way he is now.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
thoughts on the show
There was a shred of chemistry between Heather and Billy. Wonder if there's going to be a new hook up?
I don't think Kay has anyone to blame for this Chancellor fiasco other than herself. How stupid was it to sell ALL the shares to one person? She had to know that might be trouble if they didn't do their homework, which they didn't. And where did all this "I thought you were my friend" garbage come from? They're business owners. Inviting him to your house a few times doesn't make him your 'friend'.
I don't think Kay has anyone to blame for this Chancellor fiasco other than herself. How stupid was it to sell ALL the shares to one person? She had to know that might be trouble if they didn't do their homework, which they didn't. And where did all this "I thought you were my friend" garbage come from? They're business owners. Inviting him to your house a few times doesn't make him your 'friend'.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
more soap opera "sense"
Why would a recovering alcoholic keep alcohol in the living room where she spends a lot of time?
Why would Katherine keep alcohol in the house at ALL?!
Why would Katherine keep alcohol in the house at ALL?!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
do you believe the gall?
Of Nick to ream Sharon out for not being there when the house fire started? As IF he's never left Noah on his own.
What does he expect her to do? Put one of those baby leashes on Noah and drag him everywhere she goes like he's a dog?
Nick needs to stop minding Sharon's business and get on with his life with Phyllis.
Speaking of Phyllis, she's going to be sorry she got involved in Adam's mess because guess who Sharon is going to turn to when her marriage falls apart and she finds out Faith is hers....and Nicks?
What does he expect her to do? Put one of those baby leashes on Noah and drag him everywhere she goes like he's a dog?
Nick needs to stop minding Sharon's business and get on with his life with Phyllis.
Speaking of Phyllis, she's going to be sorry she got involved in Adam's mess because guess who Sharon is going to turn to when her marriage falls apart and she finds out Faith is hers....and Nicks?
the young and the restless
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Nick to Sharon, "No one was home to stop Noah from going upstairs with his gf." SERIOUSLY?! Like Nick is with that kid every second of the day. Give it a rest.
Monday, January 11, 2010
only on the poorly written Y&R...
...Does an almost blind guy run into a fire while two perfectly sighted women stand OUTSIDE.
And the writing on this show gets worse and worse....
And the writing on this show gets worse and worse....
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
hmm, could it be?
Again, don't like Billy, but I think he has more chemistry with Victoria than she does with her own husband!
I was actually wondering if they slept together Christmas Eve and he doesn't remember because Victoria was acting really weird.
I was actually wondering if they slept together Christmas Eve and he doesn't remember because Victoria was acting really weird.
the young and the restless,
victoria newman
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