I knew you were stupid, but not this stupid.
You did NOT spend the last four days "alone" with only your thoughts and four walls.
You might have forgotten but Brad AND Jack were there to visit you.
Please look up the definition of the word "alone".
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
today's rant
Yeah, I'm sure the head cheerleader would want supercilious Eden at her party. They could have a "snot off" I guess to see which one of them are more annoying. If those two bumbling idiots were cold, why in the world didn't they START WALKING? And how could Noah not know who pulled him out of the water? He was conscious while Brad was trying to help him because Brad answered his call, and Brad inched out on the pond to get him. Suddenly he can't remember who that was? Hey, maybe he caught his daddy's amnesia. Yet another dropped storyline.
I liked the jacket/sweater(?) Sharon Case was wearing today.
Nicki was leaving to see her sick sister and never bothered to hug/kiss her son goodbye?
I liked the jacket/sweater(?) Sharon Case was wearing today.
Nicki was leaving to see her sick sister and never bothered to hug/kiss her son goodbye?
sharon case,
the young and the restless
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
liar liar pants on fire
How can Noah possibly find Eden attractive? She lies with a perfectly straight face over and over again. Doesn't the twit know that she will lie to him, too? How can he ever trust her?
And why do I just know Phyllis is going to get the blame when something happens to Noah--and you know it will? She did the smart thing. She checked with Michael and she drove them there herself. But she should have known with them BEGGING her not to come in that something was up beyond embarrassment.
Nick, OF ALL PEOPLE, should not be one to point fingers and lay blame about that stupid kid of his pulling a fast one when Noah's done it MANY times to Nick.
And why do I just know Phyllis is going to get the blame when something happens to Noah--and you know it will? She did the smart thing. She checked with Michael and she drove them there herself. But she should have known with them BEGGING her not to come in that something was up beyond embarrassment.
Nick, OF ALL PEOPLE, should not be one to point fingers and lay blame about that stupid kid of his pulling a fast one when Noah's done it MANY times to Nick.
who's your daddy?
I can't believe how stupid Ashley is being. Brad is totally right. HE is Abby's father. Suddenly they're all trying to replace him in her life and Abby is so money hungry, that she doesn't give a shit as long as she gets "stuff".
Nicki is right, too. Victor was soooo deep in love with Sabrina that he didn't want to eat. Oh, gawd, it was the END OF HIS WORLD!!! The same day he meets Ashley in Paris they're in bed together. Yeah, that's love.
Well, Nicki got a phone call from her sister. Must be time for Melody to take a vacation!
Beth Maitland needs to dump that long hair. It doesn't look good at all.
You can tell they're getting ready to kill off Brad's character by all the reminiscing and threatening going on.
Nicki is right, too. Victor was soooo deep in love with Sabrina that he didn't want to eat. Oh, gawd, it was the END OF HIS WORLD!!! The same day he meets Ashley in Paris they're in bed together. Yeah, that's love.
Well, Nicki got a phone call from her sister. Must be time for Melody to take a vacation!
Beth Maitland needs to dump that long hair. It doesn't look good at all.
You can tell they're getting ready to kill off Brad's character by all the reminiscing and threatening going on.
Monday, January 26, 2009
tuesday's rant
Let's see if I have this right: Lily's father is second or third in command at one of the largest corporations in the world AND he owns a bar, her bf is the CEO of Jabot, yet when she's looking for a job, Billy tries to get her one as a freaking BARTENDER?! And she calls him "amazing"?! Way to aim high. Why doesn't she just unload the booze trucks at Daddy's nightclub?
Apparently Esther is even dumber than we all thought. Forget about Tiny, forget about the guy who murdered Rex, she's known this idiot Roger for all of about three days and she's accepting his marriage proposal thinking he truly loves her. Oy.
Apparently Esther is even dumber than we all thought. Forget about Tiny, forget about the guy who murdered Rex, she's known this idiot Roger for all of about three days and she's accepting his marriage proposal thinking he truly loves her. Oy.
lily winters,
the young and the restless
it's time to rant and rave!
Glo is a COMPLETE IDIOT for agreeing to sell to Victor. If she opens her big mouth, which is highly likely, she'll end up with NOTHING. And if Victor wanted to cheat her, he could just refuse to give her any money.
Brad googling the cabin was as creepy as Kevin finding the house plans to Nick's place online. STALKERS!!
And how in the world does owning a measly 5% of the stock give Victor the right to tell anyone what to do? With those shares, Jill is back in control. She knows damn well he's not going to give the shares to the Abbott family, so who else is left?
Brad googling the cabin was as creepy as Kevin finding the house plans to Nick's place online. STALKERS!!
And how in the world does owning a measly 5% of the stock give Victor the right to tell anyone what to do? With those shares, Jill is back in control. She knows damn well he's not going to give the shares to the Abbott family, so who else is left?
Sunday, January 25, 2009
i vant to be alone!
Typical soap storyline.
Sharon goes to the cabin to BE ALONE, and she gets more visitors there in one day than when she's home in GC.
And who goes away to think, then bellyaches they're lonely? Oh yeah. Sharon the ditz.
Sharon goes to the cabin to BE ALONE, and she gets more visitors there in one day than when she's home in GC.
And who goes away to think, then bellyaches they're lonely? Oh yeah. Sharon the ditz.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
stuff about today's show
Love how Nicki is "proud" of the latest issue of RS. {hyllis is doing all of the work. Nicki hasn't even been in the office in weeks.
Although I like Nicki with shorter hair and I hate that she keeps going back to this long hair at her age, she looked good today.
Michelle Stafford looked FABULOUS in her blue dress.
That whole "OMG! If you don't pay them, Nick, I won't have a photographer!" drama bullshit with Phyllis today was something I haven't missed since Jack and Sharon left the magazine.
Although I like Nicki with shorter hair and I hate that she keeps going back to this long hair at her age, she looked good today.
Michelle Stafford looked FABULOUS in her blue dress.
That whole "OMG! If you don't pay them, Nick, I won't have a photographer!" drama bullshit with Phyllis today was something I haven't missed since Jack and Sharon left the magazine.
restless style,
the young and the restless
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
what the HELL were they thinking with this awful hairstyle?!

Had they just slicked his hair back, Daniel would have looked hott. Here he just looks
restless style,
the young and the restless
Friday, January 16, 2009
monday's rant
Esther slept with Roger ON THE FIRST DATE?! Geez, did that twit learn nothing from her experience with "Tiny" when he left her knocked up, and Norman, who killed Rex? Apparently she's a push over in more ways than one.
The Ana storyline isn't making sense to me. Just one call from Yolanda, who has since disappeared and she's taken from Tyra's care. Why hasn't she been returned to Tyra since Yolanda no longer wants her? They haven't even had any sort of a hearing, Karen is pushing to adopt her, and now Rafe says it should be no big deal to adopt her because Yolanda abandoned her. From what I've read, the courts usually discourage foster parents from adopting, but Rafe is saying it's "just a matter of paperwork"? Tyra should be given first chance at adopting Ana.
BTW, I think Karen's being downright creepy about the whole adoption thing. Tyra is her mother. Period.
Abby's million dollar horse is much better than her first horse, StarFire? Geez, so much for her loyalty to pets. I guess they only rate if they have an expensive price tag attached to them. And I'm sure her friends are all agog listening to her ramble on and on about her horse. Awww, she's been raised so well.
The Ana storyline isn't making sense to me. Just one call from Yolanda, who has since disappeared and she's taken from Tyra's care. Why hasn't she been returned to Tyra since Yolanda no longer wants her? They haven't even had any sort of a hearing, Karen is pushing to adopt her, and now Rafe says it should be no big deal to adopt her because Yolanda abandoned her. From what I've read, the courts usually discourage foster parents from adopting, but Rafe is saying it's "just a matter of paperwork"? Tyra should be given first chance at adopting Ana.
BTW, I think Karen's being downright creepy about the whole adoption thing. Tyra is her mother. Period.
Abby's million dollar horse is much better than her first horse, StarFire? Geez, so much for her loyalty to pets. I guess they only rate if they have an expensive price tag attached to them. And I'm sure her friends are all agog listening to her ramble on and on about her horse. Awww, she's been raised so well.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
same old, SAME OLD
I guess the writers of Y&R are having such a hard time coming up with any NEW storylines that they're forced to redo all the old ones.
Guess who is behind this Roger guy dating Esther? None other than Clint Radison, Gina's ex and the guy who set the whole Marge thing into motion before.
What's next on the Y&R horizon? Is Paul going to give Nikki an STD?
Guess who is behind this Roger guy dating Esther? None other than Clint Radison, Gina's ex and the guy who set the whole Marge thing into motion before.
What's next on the Y&R horizon? Is Paul going to give Nikki an STD?
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
two good shows in a row?! it's the end of the world as we know it
Another good show today. I can't wait for Lily to connect the dots between Chloe, Billy and the baby. If for no other reason than I can't STAND the thought of a couple named Billy and Lily. UGH.
One thing I like about Phyllis is that she always seems to regret how she and Nick got together. One thing that I hate about Nick is that nothing seems to stick to his cheating ass. When he cheated with Grace, she was the tramp, despite the fact that HE was the one was married. When Nick cheated with Phyllis, again he was the one who was married and she was labeled the 'husband stealing bitch'.
I LMAO at Lauren starring at Katherine the entire time. Great scenes.
What's with Chloe's belly? The other day when she was sitting on the couch with Billy, she looked like a beached whale. Today she looked about five months pregnant. And what kind of a twit would buy her former housekeeper mother a cookbook? Great imagination there, Chloe. Why not buy her a new apron?
One thing I like about Phyllis is that she always seems to regret how she and Nick got together. One thing that I hate about Nick is that nothing seems to stick to his cheating ass. When he cheated with Grace, she was the tramp, despite the fact that HE was the one was married. When Nick cheated with Phyllis, again he was the one who was married and she was labeled the 'husband stealing bitch'.
I LMAO at Lauren starring at Katherine the entire time. Great scenes.
What's with Chloe's belly? The other day when she was sitting on the couch with Billy, she looked like a beached whale. Today she looked about five months pregnant. And what kind of a twit would buy her former housekeeper mother a cookbook? Great imagination there, Chloe. Why not buy her a new apron?
lily winters,
the young and the restless
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
the young and the...interesting?!
What a great show today! Everybody was on their game.
What is with Victor’s sudden love for Abby? He hardly even saw her when she was a child and now suddenly she’s the light in his eyes. Poor Victoria. This is one thing I hate about him. He replaces one child with another until he gets sick of them or as he says they “disappoint him,” then he kicks them to the curb. Ashley hit the nail on the head when she said, “I don’t understand how you can buy a million dollar horse for one child and send another one to jail.” How does Victor think Victoria and Nick are going to feel hearing he bought her that overly expensive horse?
I LMAO when Nick said of Phyllis’ behind the scene mechanizations, “What does that say about our marriage that she has to resort to that?” What does it say about your relationship that you’re sneaking around kissing your ex-wife, Nick?
I like Abby. I think she’ll be a good, sneaky character, but they still don’t have Eden right.
GREAT showdown between Nick and Brad. Brad really let him have it.
Heather told Adam that if he didn’t take the plea agreement, she would “do my job and win.” With her lousy track record, I’d take my chances in court. LOL!
What is with Victor’s sudden love for Abby? He hardly even saw her when she was a child and now suddenly she’s the light in his eyes. Poor Victoria. This is one thing I hate about him. He replaces one child with another until he gets sick of them or as he says they “disappoint him,” then he kicks them to the curb. Ashley hit the nail on the head when she said, “I don’t understand how you can buy a million dollar horse for one child and send another one to jail.” How does Victor think Victoria and Nick are going to feel hearing he bought her that overly expensive horse?
I LMAO when Nick said of Phyllis’ behind the scene mechanizations, “What does that say about our marriage that she has to resort to that?” What does it say about your relationship that you’re sneaking around kissing your ex-wife, Nick?
I like Abby. I think she’ll be a good, sneaky character, but they still don’t have Eden right.
GREAT showdown between Nick and Brad. Brad really let him have it.
Heather told Adam that if he didn’t take the plea agreement, she would “do my job and win.” With her lousy track record, I’d take my chances in court. LOL!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Gloria, how's it gonna go down?
LMAO @ Gloria realizing she was stuck in jail while Katherine was free as a bird...LOL! Serves her right for being such a user.
And how in the world does she expect Jack to get her out when the judge revoked her bail?
And how in the world does she expect Jack to get her out when the judge revoked her bail?
gloria abbott,
the young and the restless
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
tuesdays rant
If I were Victor Newman, the first thing I’d do is fire those good for nothing guards at his gate. ANY riff raff can get past them, including reporters, people he’s specifically excluded from the guest list, such as Jack and Nicki and most recently thieves, Jana and Kevin.
Once again Neil gets a kick in the ass from Victor for his loyalty. Wow. Just like real life.
Kevin refuses a “hand out” from his own brother, but has no problem STEALING money from Katherine? Yeah, that makes Baldwin sense.
I love how nonchalantly Michael announces to Eden that Kevin took the money from Noah’s house. How in the world is he going to explain that to Phyllis and Nick?
It just makes me laugh every time Lauren and Michael gush about how much they love having Eden in their house. She’s nothing but a sulking liar. He and Eden make a great pair. It's hilarious how Sharon is always shocked that he lied to her, when he does it again and again and again. THEN she has the balls to question Phyllis about her mothering skills. "Did you verify this?" when Phyllis said Noah was at her place doing homework. Yeah, Sharon, she VERIFIED it the same way you verified Noah's whereabouts on New Year's Eve.
Nick is such a CREEP for dumping Restless Style on Phyllis after he made such a huge deal about trying something new. He "loves Newman and he always will"?! Now four or fives issues later, he’s over it? And there’s NO WAY he should be spending time alone with Sharon after what happened in Paris. Phyllis needs to hire herself a hottie editor. And where is Nicki in all of this? Wasn’t she working for them, too?
Sharon better watch her step or Phyllis might try to run her over with a car...
Once again Neil gets a kick in the ass from Victor for his loyalty. Wow. Just like real life.
Kevin refuses a “hand out” from his own brother, but has no problem STEALING money from Katherine? Yeah, that makes Baldwin sense.
I love how nonchalantly Michael announces to Eden that Kevin took the money from Noah’s house. How in the world is he going to explain that to Phyllis and Nick?
It just makes me laugh every time Lauren and Michael gush about how much they love having Eden in their house. She’s nothing but a sulking liar. He and Eden make a great pair. It's hilarious how Sharon is always shocked that he lied to her, when he does it again and again and again. THEN she has the balls to question Phyllis about her mothering skills. "Did you verify this?" when Phyllis said Noah was at her place doing homework. Yeah, Sharon, she VERIFIED it the same way you verified Noah's whereabouts on New Year's Eve.
Nick is such a CREEP for dumping Restless Style on Phyllis after he made such a huge deal about trying something new. He "loves Newman and he always will"?! Now four or fives issues later, he’s over it? And there’s NO WAY he should be spending time alone with Sharon after what happened in Paris. Phyllis needs to hire herself a hottie editor. And where is Nicki in all of this? Wasn’t she working for them, too?
Sharon better watch her step or Phyllis might try to run her over with a car...
Monday, January 5, 2009
I screwed up
The other day I posted that Kevin should have known the inside of Jack's house since he lived there, but it was actually NICK'S house where the Noah hid the money. Sorry about that. I missed the show and was going by a friend's synopsis.
But STILL how likely is it that Kevin would find house plans for a remodeled tack house on the internet?!
But STILL how likely is it that Kevin would find house plans for a remodeled tack house on the internet?!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
nothing like following protocol
Got a kick out of the way Jack waltzed into Jabot's offices and proclaimed that he was able to work there since Gloria tainted the cream and he had nothing to do with it.
Really? So the judge's previous decision was overturned in court already? And Gloria has been charged?
I hate it when the writers treat the viewers as idiots, skipping steps whenever they feel like it. Like Heather having Adam ARRESTED, then letting him go without booking him.
Really? So the judge's previous decision was overturned in court already? And Gloria has been charged?
I hate it when the writers treat the viewers as idiots, skipping steps whenever they feel like it. Like Heather having Adam ARRESTED, then letting him go without booking him.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
it was the best of Y&R, it was the worst of Y&R
Best Story: Katherine’s “death”. The funeral rocked!
Worst Story: tie between Victor and Sabrina’s *cough* romance, Victoria waking up from her coma and Jack trying to scare Gloria with the Scottish version of John. One look at his hideous fake tan and I would have been long gone from that house.
Best Couple: Amber and Daniel. She’s annoying but I like these two together
Best New Couple: Scottish John and Gloria. For the short time it lasted, those two users deserved each other
Best Breakup: Sharon and Jack. What the HELL took her so long?!
Worst New Couple: Nikki and Paul. Boring squared
Worst Breakup: Amber and Daniel. The whole “Dr Drew” thing was EXCRUTIATING
Best New Character: NuNoah
Worst New Character: tie between Ana and her mother Tyra
Most Boring Character: Devon aka Neil Jr.
Most Annoying Character: Adam. He went from a cocky college grad to a whiney baby when he his back was against the wall. No balls.
Best Villian: Brad Carleton. I hate Brad with a passion, but I have to give him props for that whole gambling/David Chow storyline.
Worst Villain: David Chow. By the time he was dead, I totally ceased to care what happened to him.
Best Actor: Joshua Morrow
Worst Actor: Tie between Peter Bergman & Eric Braeden. Braeden would also win hands down in the “Worst Actor Walking Around With His Hands In His Damn Pockets Like He’s Just There To Collect A Paycheck” category, too. Braeden hasn’t given a shit about the show for a long time and it’s evident.
Bergman annoys the pee out of me with his creased forehead, quivering lip and distant look every freaking time we’re supposed to believe he’s got something on his mind.
Best Actress: Melody Scott Thomas. If she can get through those pathetic sobbing on the beach scenes and sobbing on her horse scenes and sobbing because she’s lost Victor YET AGAIN scenes without laughing, she’s GOT to be an excellent actress.
Worst Actress: Judith Chapman. She needs an expression that does NOT consist of being bug eyed.
Best Soap Child: OldSummer because she was always upstairs sleeping.
Worst Soap Child: the first Eden. She was sulky and childish and a full blown liar. Welcome to the Baldwin family!
Stupidest Moment: Any scene in which Jana and Gloria talked about karma or the Ouija Board
Cheesiest Moment: Any time Devon and Ana opened their mouths to sing
Best Moment: when Jill realized Jabot was being taken over by the Abbotts
Most Underused Actor in 2008: Michael Gross. WTH was he thinking coming on Y&R? They had no storyline for him and that whole hippie dippie shit was nothing short of annoying.
Worst Story: tie between Victor and Sabrina’s *cough* romance, Victoria waking up from her coma and Jack trying to scare Gloria with the Scottish version of John. One look at his hideous fake tan and I would have been long gone from that house.
Best Couple: Amber and Daniel. She’s annoying but I like these two together
Best New Couple: Scottish John and Gloria. For the short time it lasted, those two users deserved each other
Best Breakup: Sharon and Jack. What the HELL took her so long?!
Worst New Couple: Nikki and Paul. Boring squared
Worst Breakup: Amber and Daniel. The whole “Dr Drew” thing was EXCRUTIATING
Best New Character: NuNoah
Worst New Character: tie between Ana and her mother Tyra
Most Boring Character: Devon aka Neil Jr.
Most Annoying Character: Adam. He went from a cocky college grad to a whiney baby when he his back was against the wall. No balls.
Best Villian: Brad Carleton. I hate Brad with a passion, but I have to give him props for that whole gambling/David Chow storyline.
Worst Villain: David Chow. By the time he was dead, I totally ceased to care what happened to him.
Best Actor: Joshua Morrow
Worst Actor: Tie between Peter Bergman & Eric Braeden. Braeden would also win hands down in the “Worst Actor Walking Around With His Hands In His Damn Pockets Like He’s Just There To Collect A Paycheck” category, too. Braeden hasn’t given a shit about the show for a long time and it’s evident.
Bergman annoys the pee out of me with his creased forehead, quivering lip and distant look every freaking time we’re supposed to believe he’s got something on his mind.
Best Actress: Melody Scott Thomas. If she can get through those pathetic sobbing on the beach scenes and sobbing on her horse scenes and sobbing because she’s lost Victor YET AGAIN scenes without laughing, she’s GOT to be an excellent actress.
Worst Actress: Judith Chapman. She needs an expression that does NOT consist of being bug eyed.
Best Soap Child: OldSummer because she was always upstairs sleeping.
Worst Soap Child: the first Eden. She was sulky and childish and a full blown liar. Welcome to the Baldwin family!
Stupidest Moment: Any scene in which Jana and Gloria talked about karma or the Ouija Board
Cheesiest Moment: Any time Devon and Ana opened their mouths to sing
Best Moment: when Jill realized Jabot was being taken over by the Abbotts
Most Underused Actor in 2008: Michael Gross. WTH was he thinking coming on Y&R? They had no storyline for him and that whole hippie dippie shit was nothing short of annoying.
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